as level

From understanding the structure and assessment methods to exploring subject options and preparing for success, this blog from ReWiser is your ultimate guide on your AS Level journey. Gain insights into the benefits of AS Level: Discover how this qualification can give you a competitive edge, open doors to universities worldwide, and enhance your personal growth and skills development. Uncover the structure and assessment methods of AS Level: Learn about coursework, examinations, grading systems, and progression to A-Level. Get a clear picture of what to expect and how to excel in your exams. Explore a wide range of subject options: Whether you’re interested in sciences, humanities, languages, arts, or business, find out which subjects align with your passions and future career goals. Discover effective preparation tips: Maximize your study efforts with proven strategies, time management techniques, and advice on seeking support and resources. Unlock success stories and testimonials: Be inspired by real-life experiences of students who pursued AS Level and learn how this qualification shaped their academic and professional journeys. So, if you’re an AS Level student or know someone who is, don’t miss out on this valuable resource! 


AS Level, short for Advanced Subsidiary Level, is an important milestone in the educational journey of many students around the world. It serves as a bridge between the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and the full A-Level qualification. AS Level provides students with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge in specific subjects, explore their academic interests, and pave the way for higher education or career paths. In this blog, we will delve into all the essential aspects of AS Level, including its purpose, structure, subject options, and how it can benefit students in their future endeavours.

Check our recent blog on the topic “Everything you need to know about A Level course.”

Understanding AS Level

AS Level is typically undertaken by students in their penultimate year of secondary education, usually at the age of 16-17. It is an optional qualification, allowing students to select specific subjects they wish to study in greater depth. AS Level is recognized internationally and widely accepted by universities and employers as a reliable measure of a student’s academic abilities.

Check our recent blog on the topic “Everything you need to know about AS and A Levels.”

Purpose and Benefits

The primary purpose of AS Level is to provide students with an opportunity to specialize in subjects of their interest and build a strong foundation for further study. It allows students to develop their critical thinking, analytical, and research skills. AS Level also provides a chance for students to explore different subject areas before committing to full A-Level courses, which are more comprehensive and time-consuming. By taking AS Level examinations, students gain a qualification that showcases their knowledge and skills to potential universities and employers.

AS Level offers several benefits to students. Here are some key advantages of pursuing AS Level:

Specialization and Depth: AS Level allows students to specialize in specific subjects of their interest. It provides an opportunity to delve deeper into chosen subjects, explore advanced concepts, and develop a more comprehensive understanding. This specialization can help students build a strong foundation in their preferred areas of study.

University Preparation: AS Level is highly regarded by universities worldwide. It demonstrates a student’s academic abilities and commitment to higher education. Universities often consider AS Level results during the admissions process, as it provides a clear indication of a student’s subject knowledge and readiness for further study.

Flexibility and Exploration: AS Level offers a wide range of subject options, allowing students to explore different fields before committing to full A-Level courses. It enables students to experiment with various subjects, discover their strengths, and make informed decisions about their future academic and career paths.

Enhanced Skills Development: Studying AS Level develops various skills that are valuable for academic and professional success. It promotes critical thinking, independent research, analytical reasoning, and problem-solving abilities. These skills are transferable and applicable across different disciplines and future endeavours.

Competitive Edge: Achieving excellent results in AS Level examinations can give students a competitive advantage. It sets them apart from their peers and showcases their academic prowess to universities and potential employers. AS Level qualifications can strengthen a student’s profile and increase their chances of securing admission into top universities or gaining employment in competitive fields.

Personal Growth: AS Level challenges students to push their intellectual boundaries and pursue academic excellence. It fosters self-discipline, time management skills, and a strong work ethic. The rigorous nature of AS Level courses helps students develop resilience, adaptability, and perseverance, which are essential qualities for success in any endeavour.

Broadened Knowledge Base: AS Level broadens students’ knowledge base by exposing them to advanced concepts, theories, and real-world applications. It equips students with a deeper understanding of the subjects they study and provides a solid academic grounding for further study at the A-Level or undergraduate level.

Global Recognition: AS Level qualifications are recognized internationally by universities, colleges, and employers. This global recognition ensures that students can pursue higher education or career opportunities in different countries with confidence, knowing that their qualifications hold value and are respected by academic institutions and employers worldwide.

In conclusion, AS Level offers numerous benefits to students. It provides an avenue for specialization, prepares students for university, develops essential skills, and enhances personal growth. AS Level qualifications open doors to diverse opportunities and set the stage for future academic and professional success.

Structure and Assessment

AS Level is typically a one-year course, although some schools may offer it as a two-year program. The structure and assessment methods can vary depending on the education system and examination board followed. In general, AS Level courses consist of both coursework and examinations.

The coursework component involves assignments, projects, and practical work, depending on the subject. Coursework is usually internally assessed and can contribute to the final grade. The examination component assesses students’ knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Examinations are externally set and marked by qualified examiners. The results of AS Level examinations are graded on a scale, usually from A to E, with A being the highest grade. 

The structure and assessment of AS Level can vary depending on the education system and examination board followed. However, there are common components and principles that can be outlined. Here is an overview of the typical structure and assessment methods of AS Level:

Duration and Course Structure

AS Level is usually a one-year course, although some schools may offer it as a two-year program.

Students typically study a reduced number of subjects compared to full A-Level courses.

The number of subjects taken can vary, usually ranging from three to four subjects.


AS Level often includes a coursework component, which involves practical work, assignments, projects, or essays.

The nature and weightage of coursework can vary depending on the subject. For example, sciences may involve practical experiments, while humanities subjects may require research papers or projects.

Coursework is typically internally assessed by teachers or tutors within the school or educational institution.

The coursework component may contribute to the final grade, but its weightage varies between subjects and examination boards.


The examination component is a significant part of AS Level assessment.

Examinations are externally set and marked by qualified examiners appointed by the examination board.

The format and duration of examinations vary by subject, but they generally assess students’ knowledge, understanding, and application of the subject matter.

Examinations can include a combination of multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, essays, and data analysis.

The number of examination papers and the distribution of marks within each subject is determined by the examination board.

Grading System:

AS Level results are usually graded on a scale, often ranging from A to E, with A being the highest grade.

The specific grade boundaries and grade distribution are determined by the examination board.

Some examination boards also use a numerical grading scale, such as 100 to 0, with higher numbers representing higher grades.

Progression to A-Level

AS Level is considered a standalone qualification, but it also serves as the first part of a full A-Level course.

Depending on the education system and examination board, students may have the option to continue their studies in the same subjects at A-Level, building upon the knowledge and skills acquired at AS Level.

The grades achieved at AS Level may contribute to the final A-Level grade, depending on the examination board’s policy.

It’s important to note that the specific details of the structure and assessment methods may vary depending on the country, education system, and examination board. Students should consult their school, teachers, or examination board for precise information regarding the AS Level courses they are undertaking.

Subject Options

AS Level offers a wide range of subject options, allowing students to choose subjects according to their interests, strengths, and future career aspirations. The available subjects may vary depending on the examination board and educational institution. Here are some common subject options for AS Level:





Environmental Science

Human Biology


Psychology (can be classified under both Science and Social Science categories)

Check our blog on the topic “A complete guide on AS Level Physics.”

Mathematics and Statistics:


Further Mathematics


Humanities and Social Sciences:

English Literature





Psychology (can be classified under both Science and Social Science categories)



Religious Studies


English Language

Modern Languages (such as French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, etc.)

Arts and Creative Subjects:

Art and Design


Drama and Theatre Studies


Media Studies

Business and Economics:

Business Studies


Computer Science and ICT:

Computer Science

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Other Subjects:

Physical Education (PE)

Design and Technology (DT)

Critical Thinking

General Studies

It’s important for students to consider their interests, strengths, future career goals, and university requirements when selecting AS Level subjects. Some universities or degree programs may have specific subject requirements or preferences, especially for subjects related to science, mathematics, or specific fields of study. Students should consult with their school counsellors, subject teachers, or university guidance counsellors to make informed decisions about their AS Level subject choices.

Preparing for AS Level

Preparing for AS Level exams requires effective study strategies and disciplined preparation. Here are some tips to help you prepare for AS Level exams:

Understand the Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the AS Level syllabus for each subject you are studying. Understand the topics, concepts, and learning objectives outlined in the syllabus. This will help you prioritize your study areas and ensure that you cover all the required content.

Create a Study Schedule: Develop a time table that includes dedicated time for each subject. Allocate specific time slots for studying, revising, and practising exam-style questions. A well-planned schedule will help you manage your time effectively and ensure that you cover all the necessary topics.

Organize Study Materials: Gather all relevant study materials, including textbooks, notes, past papers, and revision guides. Keep your study materials well-organized & easily accessible. This will save time and help you locate specific information when studying or revising.

Break Down Topics: Break down complex topics into smaller, manageable parts. Create a study plan that covers each subtopic individually. This approach makes studying more digestible and helps you focus on understanding and mastering one concept at a time.

Practice Past Papers: Familiarize yourself with the exam format by practising past papers. Past papers are valuable resources for understanding the structure of the exam, identifying common question patterns, and practising time management. Work through past papers under timed conditions to simulate the exam environment and assess your progress.

Seek Clarification: If you encounter challenging concepts or have doubts, seek clarification from your teachers, classmates, or online resources. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek help when needed. Understanding concepts thoroughly will strengthen your foundation and boost your confidence.

Collaborate with Peers: Form study groups with classmates or peers who are also preparing for AS Level exams. Discussing and explaining concepts to others can enhance your understanding and memory retention. Additionally, group study sessions provide an opportunity to share resources, exchange ideas, and gain different perspectives.

Take Breaks and Practice Self-Care: While it’s important to dedicate focused study time, it’s equally important to take regular breaks. Taking breaks helps prevent burnout and allows your mind to rest and consolidate information. Engage in activities that relax and rejuvenate you, such as exercise, listening to music, reading novels, playing or spending time with loved ones.

Review and Revise Regularly: Continuously review and revise the topics you have studied. Regular revision helps reinforce your understanding and memory of the content. Create summary notes, flashcards, or mind maps to condense information and aid in quick revision.

Stay Positive and Stay Motivated: Maintaining a positive mindset and staying motivated throughout your exam preparation is crucial. Believe in your abilities, set realistic goals, and celebrate your progress along the way. Stay focused, practice self-discipline, and remind yourself of the long-term benefits of your hard work.

Remember, exam preparation is a journey, and everyone has their own unique study techniques. Experiment with various strategies and find what works best for you. Stay organized, stay committed, and approach your AS Level exams with confidence and determination. Reach out to us in case you need any help. Good luck!


AS Level serves as a significant stepping stone in the academic journey of students, enabling them to delve deeper into subjects of their interest and prepare for higher education or future careers. By choosing AS Level subjects wisely and dedicating themselves to focused study, students can develop valuable skills, broaden their horizons, and pave the way for success in their chosen fields. The knowledge and experiences gained during AS Level can be immensely beneficial in university admissions, career opportunities, and personal growth. Therefore, students should embrace the opportunities offered by AS Level and make the most of this crucial phase in their educational journey to success.