How do you get an A in A Level Biology

How do you get an A* in A Level Biology?

A-level biology is a hot-favorite subject of many students. It goes great with other science subjects and even sports-related subjects. Lots of students enjoy the interesting and exciting topics it covers. The tricky part is that there’s a lot to learn, and the exams can be challenging with some tricky techniques and needing to remember a bunch of stuff. It may seem daunting at first, but this article will hopefully show you some fundamental techniques that you can utilize when learning A level biology to help you get the A* that you deserve.

Be specific when answering questions –

When sitting in the examination hall, it’s pretty easy to understand and write too much rather than concisely. Many students know the topics, but because their answers never seem to get the points, they miss out on marks.

For any A-level biology exam question, there are three main things to try to include in your answers, i.e., definitions, keywords, and roles. When having one of these three things, you will only need a short sentence to get your points across to the examiner. Students often skip details like this because they seem too obvious but with A-Level Biology.

Another benefit to making your answer simple and straightforward is that it becomes easier for the examiner to mark, so they are less likely to undermark you. So, every minute you spend revising is focusing on actual subject-specific content; you must check your exam board’s A Level specification.

Pay special attention to the first word of the question –

Examination technique is essential to achieve an A* in A Level biology. There are multiple ways the exam board can open a question, the most common phrases being explain, describe, analyze, or state. Identify the opening word of the question; you can see how the exam board wants you to answer. Structure is essential for these types of questions; list all your similarities first, then the differences. Sometimes, it is required to get full marks, but it also makes your answer much easier for the examiner to read.

Practice Data Analysis Questions –

Data analysis questions come up in every exam, but with enough practice, you’ll be able to spot trends and write down the most critical points of the data set. The biggest problem with data-based questions is the number of points you can make compared to how many marks are offered. With any question, there will be things to highlight which are apparent but easy to miss. Data Analysis in A level Biology questions can seem to be scary, but one must practice a lot. Make sure you look at various graph types, not just simple bar charts, as you never know what could be best for the exam.

Memorize key processes within exams –

One of the most challenging parts of A level biology is the amount of memorization due to the amount of content. With any exam board, there will be many cycles and processes to learn, such as the carbon cycle or respiration. Most questions about these topics have the same essential marks and structure. Ultimately, you need to memorize the steps for each question – depending on how you learn, this could be great or your worst nightmare. An excellent method for learning a sequence is creating a mnemonic, as it will stick in your head and they’re much easier to understand.

Don’t forget to solve Past Papers –

Past papers are essential to get the top grades in A level biology as you familiarize yourself with the exam structure and practice exam techniques. Sitting for two hours to do a mock test can sometimes be difficult, especially if you’re at the beginning of the course, so start with small parts. Alongside your regular revision, incorporate exam questions that are relevant to the topic. Don’t forget to look at the required practical questions, as these can be worth a lot of marks and require a specific technique when answering them.

Make the most of useful resources – 

Considering how much content there is in your texts, students should access resources, which might not be the first thing that comes to mind. The more resources you use, the greater your knowledge will be, which makes it easier for you to attempt all questions in examinations. YouTube lesson videos are brilliant for explaining concepts, and if you’re a visual learner, then having diagrams and drawings to look at would be a great idea.

If you need additional support for your A Level Biology Syllabus, then you can contact Team ReWiser: Contact Us – ReWiser

Final thought –In conclusion, a suitable revision is essential for achieving the best grades at A level Biology because you need to dedicate an equal amount of time to each subject. If you’re struggling to make revision more accessible, then have a look at the resources offered by Rewiser, which can point you in the right direction.