1. ACT English
This was the easiest section in this ACT exam. Most of the students have performed as per the expectation. There was no difficulty/challenge in terms of doing this section Online instead of Pen and paper mode.
Overall, students from ReWiser were happy about this section
2. ACT Maths
Maths section appeared to be of the expected difficulty level. However, the scaling seems to be a bit tough. Just like the English section, there was no difficulty/challenge in the Online mode.
Overall, students from ReWiser had the mixed reaction after the test but mostly positive.
3. ACT Reading
One of the most difficult section of all time continues to be the villain of the story for a lot of students. One of our student whose average for the other three section is 36, finally able to score only 33 due to his Reading section.
Unlike the English and Maths section, students have complained about this section a lot. They found it difficult to work with the Highlighting tool online and which cost them important time. Our advice would be to do as much practice as possible online for this section.
Overall, not a very positive response in terms of both the UI/UX of the exam screen and also the difficulty level.
4. ACT Science
As we call it – “Pandora box for the ACT”. This is the most unpredictable section of the exam. Keeping up to its reputation students found 6 out of 7 passages to be average but the Biology passage was the most difficult thing to crack. A lot of non-Bio students have struggled with this passage. To students relief, the scaling was better in this section.
Overall, students were not very happy after the exam but after the scores were out they all seem to be quite happy with the science scaling.
To sum it up, the transition from pen and paper mode to Online mode seems to be working.
Keep looking here for further updates – Next in line – Feedback from ReWiser students about the ACT Online Test.