Academic Test – ReWiser Education | Provides Best Online SAT, ACT, AP Prep Sat, 06 Jan 2024 06:19:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Academic Test – ReWiser 32 32 Tips and tricks to ace the A Level Economics exams Thu, 07 Sep 2023 06:27:48 +0000 Are you gearing up for the A Level Economics exams? Feeling the pressure and looking for some expert guidance? Well, you’re in the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through some valuable tips and tricks that will help you not only survive but thrive in your A Level Economics exams. From understanding […]

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Are you gearing up for the A Level Economics exams? Feeling the pressure and looking for some expert guidance? Well, you’re in the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through some valuable tips and tricks that will help you not only survive but thrive in your A Level Economics exams. From understanding the key concepts to mastering exam techniques, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!

Read to learn more: How to choose the Right A Level Subjects?

Table of Contents:

  • Understand the Exam Format 
  • Master the Basics
  • Stay Updated with Current Affairs 
  • Practice Regularly
  • Develop Essay Writing Skills 
  • Master Data Response Questions
  • Join Study Groups
  • Seek Feedback
  • Time Management 
  • Stay Calm and Confident
  • Review and Revise
  • Utilize Past Papers 
  • Stay Healthy
  • Exam Day Strategies
  • Learn from Mistakes

Understand the Exam Format

Before you start preparing, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the exam format. A Level Economics exams typically consist of multiple-choice questions, essay questions, and data response questions. Knowing what to expect will help you tailor your study approach.

Master the Basics

Economics is built on fundamental concepts. Make sure you have a strong grasp of topics like supply and demand, elasticity, and market structures. These concepts form the foundation of your knowledge.

Study Resources

Invest in quality textbooks and online resources to aid your understanding of these core concepts. Don’t hesitate to seek help from expert if you’re struggling with the basics.

Stay Updated with Current Affairs

Economics is a dynamic field, and real-world events often influence economic principles. Stay informed about current economic trends and news to provide relevant examples in your essays.

Practice Regularly

Practice makes perfect. Work on sample questions and past papers to improve your problem-solving skills and time management.

Timed Practice 

Simulate exam conditions during your practice sessions. Time yourself to ensure you can complete each section within the allocated time.

Develop Essay Writing Skills

Economics exams usually require in-depth essay responses. Learn how to structure your essays effectively, use appropriate terminology, and provide clear and concise arguments.

Essay Planning 

Before diving into writing, take a few minutes to plan your essay. Outline your main points and supporting evidence to ensure a well-organized response.

Master Data Response Questions 

Data response questions can be challenging. Practice interpreting data and drawing conclusions from it.

Graphs and Diagrams

Learn how to create and interpret graphs and diagrams, as they often accompany data response questions.

Join Study Groups 

Studying with peers can be beneficial. Join or create study groups to discuss concepts, share insights, and test each other’s knowledge.

Explaining Concepts 

Explaining complex concepts to your peers can enhance your understanding and reinforce your knowledge.

Seek Feedback

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from experts. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement.


Regularly assess your own performance and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on improving weak areas.

Time Management 

Time is of the essence in exams. Learn to allocate your time wisely to tackle all sections of the paper.

Stay Calm and Confident 

On the day of the exam, keep your nerves in check. Confidence in your preparation can make a significant difference in your performance.

Relaxation Techniques

Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or visualization to stay calm under pressure.

Review and Revise 

In the days leading up to the exam, review your notes and key concepts. Avoid cramming, as it can lead to stress and confusion.

Utilize Past Papers 

Past papers are a goldmine of practice questions. Use them to assess your progress and identify areas that need more attention.

Stay Healthy 

Don’t neglect your physical and mental well-being during your preparation. A healthy body and mind are essential for optimal performance.

Balanced Diet and Exercise

Eat well, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep to ensure you’re in peak condition on exam day.

Exam Day Strategies 

On the big day, employ strategies like scanning the paper before starting, tackling easy questions first, and managing your time effectively.

Learn from Mistakes

After the exam, review your performance. Analyze your mistakes and learn from them for future improvement.

Congratulations! You’re now armed with a comprehensive set of tips and tricks to conquer your A Level Economics exams. Remember, success comes with consistent effort and smart preparation. Best of luck with your exams, and may your economic knowledge shine brightly!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How can I improve my essay writing skills for A Level Economics exams?

To improve your essay writing skills, focus on structure, clarity, and using relevant economic terminology. Practice writing essays regularly and seek feedback from experts or peers.

Q2: What are some effective time management techniques for the A Level Economics exams?

Effective time management involves allocating specific time slots for each section of the exam, using a timer during practice sessions, and avoiding spending too much time on a single question.

Q3: Are there any recommended online resources for A Level Economics preparation?

Yes, there are many online resources like ReWiser, and various YouTube channels dedicated to A Level Economics. Utilize these platforms to supplement your studies.

Q4: How can I stay motivated during the extensive preparation period for A Level Economics exams?

Set achievable goals, reward yourself for milestones, and maintain a study schedule. Joining study groups or seeking support from friends and family can also help keep you motivated.

Q5: What’s the ideal study routine leading up to the A Level Economics exams?

An ideal study routine includes regular revision, practice with past papers, and gradually increasing the intensity of your preparation as the exam date approaches. Make sure to balance study time with breaks and relaxation.

The post Tips and tricks to ace the A Level Economics exams appeared first on ReWiser.

How to get a 7 in IB Computer Science? Fri, 01 Sep 2023 07:05:08 +0000 Your Ultimate Guide to Excelling in IB Computer Science Are you ready to conquer the challenging world of IB Computer Science? Achieving a top score of 7 in this subject is not only a badge of honor but also a testament to your mastery of computer science concepts. Whether you’re a coding enthusiast or someone […]

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Your Ultimate Guide to Excelling in IB Computer Science

Are you ready to conquer the challenging world of IB Computer Science? Achieving a top score of 7 in this subject is not only a badge of honor but also a testament to your mastery of computer science concepts. Whether you’re a coding enthusiast or someone navigating through the intricacies of algorithms, this guide will provide you with essential tips and strategies to ace your IB Computer Science exam. Let’s dive in!

All you need to know about IB Board: Click here.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Understand the Curriculum
  • Strengthen Your Programming Skills
  • Grasp Fundamental Concepts
  • Explore Real-Life Applications
  • Effective Study Techniques
  • Utilize Online Resources
  • Seek Guidance
  • Prioritize Past Papers
  • Time Management
  • Nail Your Internal Assessment
  • Stay Updated with Technology Trends
  • Practice Ethical Considerations
  • Exam Strategies
  • Stay Confident and Positive


Entering the realm of IB Computer Science can be both exciting and intimidating. The journey to a coveted score of 7 requires dedication, strategic planning, and a true understanding of the subject’s nuances. But worry not, as we’re about to unravel the roadmap that leads to success.

All you need to know about the IB Diploma Program: Click here.

Complete Guide on IB MYP Curriculum: Click here.

Understand the Curriculum

Mastering the Syllabus

Getting a 7 starts with a comprehensive grasp of the curriculum. Thoroughly review the syllabus to identify key topics and learning outcomes. This will guide your study plan and ensure no stone is left unturned.

Grasping the Assessment Criteria

Familiarize yourself with the assessment criteria. Understanding how your work will be evaluated enables you to tailor your approach accordingly. From knowledge and understanding to communication and presentation, each criterion plays a role in your final score.

Strengthen Your Programming Skills

Choosing the Right Language

Selecting a programming language you’re comfortable with is crucial. Whether it’s Python, Java, or another language, your fluency will impact how you express solutions clearly and efficiently.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Coding is an art that improves with practice. Tackle coding challenges, build projects, and explore complex algorithms. The more you practice, the more intuitive coding becomes.

Grasp Fundamental Concepts

Data Structures and Algorithms

These form the backbone of computer science. Delve into the world of arrays, linked lists, and sorting algorithms. Conceptual clarity here will give you an edge in problem-solving.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Master the OOP paradigm. Understand classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism. Apply these concepts to create well-structured and efficient code.

Explore Real-Life Applications

Bridging Theory and Practice

Connect theoretical concepts to real-world applications. How does the abstract become tangible? This perspective enhances your understanding and makes learning engaging.

Case Studies

Explore case studies that demonstrate the impact of computer science. From AI-driven medical diagnosis to cybersecurity challenges, real-life examples add depth to your knowledge.

Effective Study Techniques

Summarizing with Mind Maps

Visual aids like mind maps can enhance your understanding and retention of complex topics. Create colorful mind maps that break down concepts into interconnected nodes, helping you see the big picture.

Collaborative Learning

Engage in group discussions and study sessions. Explaining concepts to peers not only reinforces your understanding but also exposes you to diverse perspectives and problem-solving approaches.

Utilize Online Resources

Websites and Tutorials

The internet is a treasure trove of resources. Websites like Codecademy, Khan Academy, and Coursera offer interactive tutorials and lessons on various computer science topics.

Interactive Coding Platforms

Platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank provide coding challenges that hone your problem-solving skills. These platforms simulate real-world scenarios and are excellent for both practice and learning.

Seek Guidance

Engage with Your Teacher

Don’t hesitate to ask questions in class or during office hours. Your teacher is there to guide you. Clarify doubts, discuss concepts, and seek additional resources if needed.

Join Study Groups

Being part of a study group fosters a collaborative learning environment. Share notes, tackle difficult problems together, and leverage each other’s strengths to excel.

Prioritize Past Papers

Mock Exams

Practice with past IB Computer Science exam papers. Simulating exam conditions helps you manage time, understand the question patterns, and refine your answering strategy.

Analyzing Mark Schemes

After attempting past papers, review the mark schemes. Understand the expected answers and learn from your mistakes. This process enhances your exam strategy.

Time Management

Setting Study Goals

Break your study sessions into manageable goals. This approach boosts productivity and prevents overwhelm. As you accomplish each goal, you’ll feel a sense of achievement.

Creating a Study Schedule

Craft a study schedule that allocates time for each topic. Be realistic about your pace and allocate more time to challenging areas. Consistency is key.

Nail Your Internal Assessment

Choosing the Right Project

Select an internal assessment project aligned with your strengths and interests. A project you’re passionate about is more likely to be executed meticulously.

Documentation and Presentation

Thoroughly document your project’s progress and findings. Your presentation should be clear, structured, and demonstrate a deep understanding of the project’s significance.

Stay Updated with Technology Trends

Embrace Innovations

Computer science is a dynamic field. Stay updated with emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, and IOT. This knowledge showcases your commitment to continuous learning.

Relate to the Current Tech Landscape

Understand how your studies relate to real-world innovations. Draw parallels between your coursework and practical applications to appreciate the subject’s relevance.

Practice Ethical Considerations

Social and Legal Implications

As technology advances, ethical considerations become vital. Reflect on the societal and legal impacts of computer science, ensuring your solutions uphold moral standards.

Responsible Coding

Write code that respects privacy, security, and inclusivity. Consider the potential consequences of your solutions and strive for positive contributions to society.

Exam Strategies

Reading Instructions Carefully

Before diving into exam questions, read the instructions thoroughly. Understand the requirements, allocate time wisely, and plan your responses before starting to write.

Budgeting Your Time

Divide your exam time among questions based on their weightage. Avoid spending too much time on a single question. A well-structured approach ensures you cover all sections.

Showcasing Your Knowledge

In both written and coding exams, articulate your thoughts clearly. Explain your reasoning, use relevant examples, and showcase your in-depth understanding of the subject.

Stay Confident and Positive

Mindset Matters

Believe in your capabilities. A positive mindset enhances memory recall and performance. Replace self-doubt with confidence as you tackle each challenge.

Embracing Challenges

View challenges as opportunities for growth. Every difficult concept you conquer is a step toward your goal of acing IB Computer Science. Embrace the journey.


Congratulations! You’ve just completed your comprehensive guide on how to achieve a 7 in IB Computer Science. By mastering the curriculum, strengthening your programming skills, understanding fundamental concepts, exploring real-life applications, adopting effective study techniques, utilizing online resources, seeking guidance, prioritizing past papers, managing time, excelling in internal assessment, staying updated with technology trends, practicing ethical considerations, employing exam strategies, and maintaining a positive mindset, you’re well-equipped to excel in this subject.

Remember, getting a 7 requires dedication, continuous effort, and a genuine passion for computer science. Embrace the challenges, stay curious, and enjoy the journey of discovery in the ever-evolving world of technology.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Is it essential to choose a specific programming language for IB Computer Science?

Absolutely not. While you should be proficient in at least one language, the focus is on problem-solving and understanding concepts rather than the language itself.

  1. How can I balance practicing coding with studying theoretical concepts?

Create a study schedule that allocates time to both coding practice and theoretical study. Find a balance that works for you and reinforces your overall understanding.

  1. What’s the significance of ethical considerations in computer science?

Ethical considerations ensure that the technology you create and work with respects privacy, security, and societal well-being. Responsible coding is a crucial aspect of being a computer scientist.

  1. How can I overcome exam anxiety and stay confident during the IB Computer Science exam?

Practice deep breathing, visualize your success, and remind yourself of your preparation. Trust in your abilities and focus on showcasing your knowledge.

  1. Can I excel in IB Computer Science without prior coding experience?

Yes, you can! The IB Computer Science curriculum is designed to accommodate students with varying levels of coding experience. With dedication and consistent effort, you can achieve a 7.

The post How to get a 7 in IB Computer Science? appeared first on ReWiser.

AS Level and A Level: Understand The Difference Fri, 04 Aug 2023 07:31:18 +0000 Are you a student or a parent of a student trying to navigate the intricacies of academic qualifications? Look no further! In our latest blog, we will explore the fundamental differences between AS Level and A Level qualifications, shedding light on their significance and implications on students’ educational paths. Check our recent article on the […]

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Are you a student or a parent of a student trying to navigate the intricacies of academic qualifications? Look no further! In our latest blog, we will explore the fundamental differences between AS Level and A Level qualifications, shedding light on their significance and implications on students’ educational paths.

Check our recent article on the topic “All you need to know about AS Level”: Click here.


In the ever-evolving landscape of education, students encounter a myriad of qualifications that shape their academic journey. Among these, AS Level and A Level stand out as important milestones. Understanding the difference between these qualifications is crucial for students, parents, and educators alike. In this article, we will embark on a journey to unravel the dissimilarities between AS Level and A Level, shedding light on their unique characteristics, significance, and impact on student’s educational paths. Whether you are a student planning your future or a parent seeking guidance, this exploration will equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions and navigate the academic terrain with confidence. Let’s dive in and discover the nuances that set AS Level and A Level apart on the road to academic excellence.

As students progress through their academic journey, they encounter various qualifications and certifications, each with its unique structure and purpose. Two such qualifications widely pursued in many educational systems are AS Level and A Level. In this blog, we will explore the fundamental differences between AS Level and A Level qualifications, their significance, and their implications on students’ educational paths.

Check our recent article on the topic “Everything you need to know about A Level Course”: Click here.

Definition and Purpose:

AS Level (Advanced Subsidiary Level) and A Level (Advanced Level) are both academic qualifications commonly pursued by students in many educational systems. Understanding the difference between these two qualifications is crucial for students and parents in making informed decisions about their educational paths. Let’s explore the definitions and purposes of AS Level and A Level:

AS Level (Advanced Subsidiary Level):

Definition: AS Level is a standalone qualification typically taken in the first year of A Level studies. It is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in a subject by exploring key concepts and topics.

Purpose: The primary purpose of AS Level is to give students an opportunity to delve into a subject of their interest, gain subject-specific knowledge, and develop essential skills. AS Level serves as a precursor to the full A Level course, allowing students to gauge their interest and suitability in pursuing the subject further.

A Level (Advanced Level):

Definition: A Level is an advanced academic qualification taken after completing either the AS Level or the full two-year A Level course. It delves deeper into the subject matter and requires students to demonstrate a higher level of understanding and expertise.

Purpose: The purpose of A Level is to provide students with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of a subject. A Level qualifications are highly valued by universities and employers, as they indicate a student’s academic proficiency and critical thinking abilities in a specific subject area. A Level grades play a significant role in university admissions and can impact future career prospects.

Academic Depth and Breadth:

AS Level (Advanced Subsidiary Level) and A Level (Advanced Level) qualifications differ significantly in terms of their academic depth and breadth. These differences play a crucial role in shaping the educational experience of students pursuing these qualifications. Let’s delve into the disparities in academic depth and breadth between AS Level and A Level:

AS Level (Advanced Subsidiary Level):

Academic Depth: AS Level focuses on a narrower range of topics and concepts within a subject. The syllabus is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of key principles and fundamentals. It allows learners to explore the subject in moderate depth, laying the groundwork for further studies.

Breadth: While AS Level covers essential aspects of a subject, it does not delve into as much detail as A Level. Students are exposed to a limited scope of content, allowing them to develop a basic understanding before progressing to more complex topics.

A Level (Advanced Level):

Academic Depth: A Level significantly increases the academic depth compared to AS Level. Students are required to delve deeper into the subject matter, exploring more complex theories, advanced concepts, and specialized areas. This level of depth demands a higher level of critical thinking and analysis from students.

Breadth: A Level offers broader and more comprehensive coverage of the subject. It goes beyond the foundational aspects and includes a wider range of content, allowing students to gain a more holistic understanding of the subject area.

Students and parents should consider their academic interests, career aspirations, and future educational goals when choosing between AS Level and A Level qualifications, as the level of academic depth and breadth can significantly impact their academic journey and future opportunities.


Assessment methods in AS Level and A Level qualifications differ in terms of scope, depth, and complexity. Let’s explore the differences in assessment between AS Level and A Level:

AS Level (Advanced Subsidiary Level) Assessment:

Scope: AS Level assessments cover a narrower range of topics compared to A Level.

Depth: The assessment focuses on testing students’ understanding of key concepts and fundamental principles.

Complexity: AS Level exams are designed to be less challenging than A Level exams, as they serve as an introductory level of assessment.

Components: The assessment typically includes one or two written exams, and in some subjects, there might be practical assessments or coursework.

A Level (Advanced Level) Assessment:

Scope: A Level assessments cover a more comprehensive range of topics, building upon the content covered in AS Level or during the full two-year A Level course.

Depth: The assessment aims to test students’ in-depth knowledge, critical thinking, and analytical skills in the subject.

Complexity: A Level exams are more rigorous and demanding, requiring students to showcase a higher level of understanding and academic proficiency.

Components: The assessment for A Level usually comprises multiple written exams, each focusing on different aspects of the subject. Some subjects might also include practical assessments, coursework, or project work.

Check our recent article on the topic “How to choose the right A Level Subjects”: Click here

Practical Assessments and Coursework:

AS Level: Some AS Level subjects may include practical assessments or coursework components, but they generally have a smaller weighting in the overall grade.

A Level: Practical assessments and coursework hold more significant weight in A Level qualifications, allowing students to demonstrate their practical skills and apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Grading and Marking:

AS Level: The grading system for AS Level qualifications often ranges from A to E, with A being the highest grade.

A Level: The grading system for A Level qualifications is more extensive, often including additional grade categories such as A*, B, C, D, and E, with A* being the highest grade achievable.


The timeframe for completing AS Level and A Level qualifications differs based on the educational system and the chosen subjects. Let’s explore the typical timeframes for both AS Level and A Level qualifications:

AS Level (Advanced Subsidiary Level):

Timeframe: AS Level is typically completed in one academic year.

Course Duration: In most educational systems, AS Level courses run for a duration of about 8 to 10 months, starting in the first year of post-16 education (often referred to as Year 12 or Lower Sixth Form).

Standalone or Part of A Level: AS Level can be taken as a standalone qualification, providing students with a foundation in a subject. Alternatively, it can be the first half of a full two-year A Level course, with students continuing to study and complete the A Level in the subsequent year.

A Level (Advanced Level):

Timeframe: A Level is typically completed in two academic years.

Course Duration: A Level courses usually span two years, commencing in the first year of post-16 education (Year 12 or Lower Sixth Form) and concluding in the second year (Year 13 or Upper Sixth Form).

Completion after AS Level: If a student completes the AS Level in the first year, they can choose to continue their studies for the second year to obtain the full A Level qualification.

It’s important to note that the above timeframes can vary depending on the educational institution and the country’s curriculum. Some students may also opt for an accelerated program, completing both AS Level and A Level qualifications in a shorter period.

Ultimately, the duration of AS Level and A Level courses provide students with the necessary time to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject, demonstrate academic progress, and prepare for the assessments and examinations required to achieve their qualifications.

University Applications:

When it comes to university applications, there are significant differences between AS Level and A Level qualifications that can impact a student’s chances of securing admission to their preferred courses. Let’s delve into these differences:

AS Level (Advanced Subsidiary Level) in University Applications:

Recognition: AS Level qualifications are recognized by universities, but their importance may vary depending on the institution and the course applied for.

Weightage: AS Level grades typically carry less weight than full A Level grades in university applications. Some universities might consider AS Level grades as part of their holistic evaluation process, while others may focus solely on A Level results.

Course Requirements: Some university courses may require specific AS Level subjects as prerequisites or recommend them for certain courses, helping students meet entry requirements or demonstrate their interest in a particular field.

A Level (Advanced Level) in University Applications:

Importance: A Level qualifications hold significant importance in university applications. They are the main academic qualifications that universities consider for admissions.

Entry Requirements: Many universities specify A Level grades and subject combinations as entry requirements for specific courses. Strong A Level grades can enhance a student’s chances of securing a place in competitive courses and prestigious institutions.

Offers and Conditional Offers: Universities often make conditional offers based on predicted A Level grades. Meeting or exceeding these grades is essential for securing the final admission offer.

Combination of AS Level and A Level:

Two-Year Program: Some students pursue a full two-year A Level program, which includes both AS Level and A Level examinations. Universities will consider the overall A Level grades achieved at the end of the two years.

One-Year Program: In some cases, students may choose to take AS Level qualifications separately in the first year and then decide whether to continue with the full A Level course in the second year. Universities may consider both the AS Level and A Level grades in such scenarios.

In conclusion, while AS Level qualifications can play a supporting role in university applications, it is the A Level grades that hold the most significance in securing admission to higher education institutions. Aspiring university applicants should carefully consider their subject choices, work hard to achieve strong A Level grades, and research the specific requirements of their desired courses to maximize their chances of success in the university application process.

Career Implications:

The career implications of AS Level and A Level qualifications differ significantly due to the varying levels of academic depth and recognition. Let’s explore the career implications of each qualification:

Career Implications of AS Level:

AS Level qualifications, while valuable as a foundation, may not hold as much weight in the job market or specialized career fields compared to A Level.

Some entry-level positions or vocational courses might consider AS Level qualifications as sufficient, but for more competitive job opportunities or higher education pursuits, additional qualifications like A Level or a degree may be required.

AS Level qualifications can demonstrate a student’s proficiency in a subject, which may be relevant for certain roles or industries, but they may not offer the same level of expertise and specialization as A Level qualifications.

Career Implications of A Level:

A Level qualifications carry more recognition and academic prestige. They are widely recognized by universities and employers as a sign of a student’s comprehensive knowledge and a higher level of academic achievement.

A Level grades play a crucial role in university applications, opening doors to a broader range of undergraduate courses and increasing the likelihood of gaining admission to competitive universities.

In the job market, A Level qualifications can provide a strong foundation for pursuing more specialized careers or further education, such as a degree or professional certifications.

A Level graduate may be eligible for higher-paying jobs and leadership roles, especially in fields that require a deeper understanding of subjects such as sciences, humanities, and mathematics.


In summary, AS Level and A Level qualifications cater to different stages of a student’s academic journey, with AS Level providing a foundational understanding and A Level demanding a more comprehensive and advanced knowledge of the subject. Both qualifications have their significance in shaping a student’s future and should be chosen strategically based on individual goals and aspirations. Reach out to us in case you need any help. Good luck!

The post AS Level and A Level: Understand The Difference appeared first on ReWiser.

The Complete IB Physics Guide: SL/HL Fri, 28 Jul 2023 07:27:04 +0000 Introduction The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an internationally recognized educational program that aims to develop students intellectually, personally, emotionally, and socially The Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), Diploma Programme (DP), and Career-related Programme (CP) are the four programs it offers. The Diploma Programme is designed for students aged 16 to 19 and […]

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The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an internationally recognized educational program that aims to develop students intellectually, personally, emotionally, and socially The Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), Diploma Programme (DP), and Career-related Programme (CP) are the four programs it offers. The Diploma Programme is designed for students aged 16 to 19 and provides a challenging and comprehensive education in various subject areas, including Physics.

The International Baccalaureate (IB) offers two levels of Physics courses for students at the high school level: Physics Standard Level (SL) and Physics Higher Level (HL). These courses are designed to provide a rigorous and challenging education in physics, with HL offering a deeper exploration of the subject. This comprehensive overview aims to explain both IB Physics SL and HL, including their curriculum, assessment components, and the skills and knowledge students can expect to gain from these courses. Additionally, it will discuss the benefits of studying IB Physics, the differences between SL and HL, and tips for success in these courses.

Check our recent article on the topic ”Complete guide on IB MYP Curriculum:” Click here

IB Physics SL Curriculum

Core Topics:

IB Physics SL covers a range of core topics that form the foundation of the course. These include:

  1. Measurements and Uncertainties: Understanding the importance of precise measurements and the uncertainty associated with them.
  2. Mechanics: Studying classical mechanics, including kinematics, forces, energy, and circular motion.
  3. Thermal Physics: Exploring the behaviour of gases, thermodynamics, and heat transfer.
  4. Waves: Understanding the properties of waves, including interference, diffraction, and standing waves.
  5. Electricity and Magnetism: Investigating electric and magnetic fields, circuits, and electromagnetic induction.
  6. Circular Motion and Gravitation: Analyzing the motion of objects in circular paths and the principles of gravitation.

Option Topics:

In addition to the core topics, students in IB Physics SL must study one option topic from a selection provided by the IB. These topics allow students to explore specific areas of interest in greater detail. Examples of option topics include:

  1. Astrophysics: Studying the properties and behaviour of celestial objects, galaxies, and the universe.
  2. Engineering Physics: Investigating the application of physics principles in engineering design and technology.
  3. Medical Physics: Examining the use of physics in medical imaging, radiation therapy, and diagnostic techniques.

Internal Assessment:

IB Physics SL includes an internal assessment component that contributes to the final grade. The internal assessment involves the completion of a practical investigation, which allows students to develop their experimental skills and analyze real-world situations using physics concepts.

IB Physics HL Curriculum

Core Topics:

IB Physics HL includes all the core topics covered in SL, with additional content and depth. The core topics for HL are:

  • Measurements and Uncertainties
  • Mechanics
  • Thermal Physics
  • Waves
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Circular Motion and Gravitation

Option Topics:

Like SL, students in IB Physics HL must study one option topic. However, the HL option topics cover more advanced material and may involve a more in-depth exploration of the subject matter.

Internal Assessment:

The internal assessment for IB Physics HL is similar to that of SL, requiring students to undertake a practical investigation and apply their knowledge and skills to analyze a physics-related problem.

Comparison between IB Physics SL and HL

Depth and Breadth of Content:

The most significant difference between IB Physics SL and HL is the depth and breadth of content covered. HL delves deeper into the core topics and may include additional subtopics not covered in SL. This allows HL students to develop a more comprehensive understanding of physics.

Rigour and Difficulty:

IB Physics HL is generally more challenging than SL due to the additional content and the higher level of analysis and application required. HL students are expected to demonstrate a more sophisticated understanding of physics concepts and principles.

Assessment Weightage:

Both SL and HL have external assessments, but HL exams typically have more extended response questions and may cover more complex topics. Additionally, HL students have a greater number of questions in their exams, reflecting the broader content they have studied.

University Recognition:

While both SL and HL are valuable courses, some universities may offer credit or advanced placement opportunities to students who have taken IB Physics HL. HL is often preferred for students pursuing physics-related degrees or careers.

Benefits of Studying IB Physics

Development of Critical Thinking:

IB Physics encourages students to think critically and apply scientific reasoning to solve problems. This skill is valuable not only for physics but also for various other academic pursuits and real-life situations.

Practical Application of Knowledge:

The emphasis on practical investigations in IB Physics helps students understand the relevance of theoretical concepts in real-world applications. This enhances their problem-solving skills and scientific inquiry.

Interdisciplinary Approach:

Physics is a subject that connects with other sciences, mathematics, and even technology. Studying IB Physics promotes an interdisciplinary perspective, fostering an appreciation for the interconnectedness of various disciplines.

Global Perspective:

The IB program, including IB Physics, incorporates an international outlook, allowing students to understand scientific issues from a global perspective. This prepares them to tackle global challenges and contribute to the international scientific community.

Here’s the list of top IB Schools: Click here

Assessment Components

External Assessments:

Both IB Physics SL and HL have two external assessments:

  1. Paper 1: Multiple-choice questions testing knowledge and understanding of core topics.
  2. Paper 2: Short-answer and extended-response questions on core topics.

Internal Assessments:

Internal assessments in both SL and HL involve a practical investigation that accounts for a percentage of the final grade. These investigations allow students to develop practical skills and apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Extended Essay in Physics:

For students aiming to achieve the full IB Diploma, they are required to complete an Extended Essay (EE) on a physics-related topic. This in-depth research project allows students to explore a subject of personal interest and develop research and academic writing skills.

Skills Developed in IB Physics

Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills:

Studying IB Physics hons students’ abilities to analyze complex problems, break them down into manageable components, and apply appropriate physics principles to find solutions.

Experimental Techniques:

The emphasis on practical investigations in IB Physics helps students develop strong experimental skills, including data collection, analysis, and drawing conclusions based on evidence.

Communication Skills:

IB Physics requires students to communicate scientific concepts effectively, both in writing and verbally. This skill is essential for presenting research findings and collaborating with others in the scientific community.

Tips for Success in IB Physics

Time Management:

IB Physics can be demanding, so effective time management is crucial. Create a study schedule, prioritize tasks, and allocate sufficient time for understanding complex topics and completing assignments.

Effective Study Techniques:

Practice solving physics problems regularly and review class material consistently. Consider working through past exam papers to familiarize yourself with the exam format and question types.

Collaborative Learning:

Engage in group discussions and study sessions with classmates to reinforce understanding and gain new perspectives. Your learning process can be improved by working with peers.

Seek Help When Needed:

If you encounter challenging concepts, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for clarification. Additionally, utilize online resources, textbooks, and supplementary materials to deepen your understanding.

Here are the tips to crack your IB Exam: Click here


IB Physics SL and HL provide students with an enriching and challenging educational experience in physics. Both courses foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and experimental skills while promoting an appreciation for the scientific world. By understanding the curriculum, assessment components, and skills developed in these courses, students can make informed decisions about their academic paths and prepare for success in their physics studies. Embracing the interdisciplinary nature of physics, students can develop a global perspective and contribute to advancing scientific knowledge and innovation in the future

If you need any personal assistance, reach out to our experts here. We’re extremely happy to help you in whatever way we can.

The post The Complete IB Physics Guide: SL/HL appeared first on ReWiser.

Tips & Tricks to Ace Your A-Level Physics: Your Path to an A*! Sat, 08 Jul 2023 12:09:36 +0000 In this informative blog, we dive into the world of A-Level Physics and provide you with valuable tips and tricks to help you excel in your studies. Whether you’re aiming for that coveted A* grade or simply looking to improve your understanding of the subject, this blog is your go-to resource. We understand that A-Level […]

The post Tips & Tricks to Ace Your A-Level Physics: Your Path to an A*! appeared first on ReWiser.


In this informative blog, we dive into the world of A-Level Physics and provide you with valuable tips and tricks to help you excel in your studies. Whether you’re aiming for that coveted A* grade or simply looking to improve your understanding of the subject, this blog is your go-to resource.

We understand that A-Level Physics can be challenging, but fear not! Our expert team has compiled a comprehensive set of strategies and techniques that will empower you to navigate the complexities of the subject with confidence.

From mastering key concepts to tackling problem-solving questions, we’ll guide you through the essential areas that can significantly impact your performance. Expect a wealth of practical advice, study hacks, and proven methods that have helped countless students achieve remarkable results.

Discover how to effectively manage your study time, make the most of revision sessions, and optimize your exam preparation. We’ll equip you with the tools to approach challenging topics, develop critical thinking skills, and apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Our blog also delves into the nuances of exam technique, highlighting the best practices for answering different types of questions. Learn how to structure your responses, utilize relevant formulas, and showcase your understanding in a clear and concise manner.

Additionally, we’ll share valuable resources, recommended textbooks, and online platforms that can complement your learning journey. Whether you prefer interactive simulations, video tutorials, or practice quizzes, we’ve got you covered.

Join us as we unravel the secrets to mastering A-Level Physics and set yourself on the path to success. With our tips and tricks, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle exams, impress your teachers, and achieve that A* grade you’ve been striving for.

So, get ready to elevate your physics game and embark on an exhilarating journey of knowledge, growth, and academic achievement. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog posts, where we’ll delve deeper into specific topics and provide you with even more valuable insights.

Click here to check our article “How to choose the right A-Level subjects?”


Getting an A* in A-Level Physics is a goal that many students aspire to achieve. However, it requires a strategic approach and a solid understanding of the subject. In this blog, we will provide you with valuable tips and tricks that will help you excel in your A-Level Physics exams and secure that coveted A* grade. Let’s dive in!

Everything you need to know about A Level course: Click here.

Mastering the Fundamentals:

A solid understanding of the foundational concepts lays the groundwork for success in A-Level Physics. So, let’s dive into the key strategies and techniques that will help you build a strong foundation and propel your performance to new heights.

Embrace the Basics

  • Recognize the significance of fundamental principles in physics.
  • Understand the key laws, theories, and equations that form the backbone of the subject.
  • Invest time in thoroughly comprehending the fundamental concepts, as they provide the framework for advanced topics.
  • Establish a Strong Mathematical Background:
  • Develop a solid grasp of mathematical skills relevant to A-Level Physics.
  • Familiarize yourself with calculus, algebra, trigonometry, and vector manipulation.
  • Practice solving physics problems involving mathematical calculations to reinforce your understanding.

Dive into Textbooks and Resources

  • Utilize recommended textbooks and study guides to supplement your classroom learning.
  • Engage actively while reading, take notes, and highlight key points.
  • Seek out additional resources, such as online lectures, video tutorials, and interactive simulations, to enhance your understanding.

Hands-on Practical Experience

  • Participate enthusiastically in laboratory experiments.
  • Take the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
  • Develop practical skills, including accurate measurement techniques and data analysis.

Regular Practice and Problem-solving

  • Solve a wide range of physics problems, both from textbooks and past papers.
  • Gradually increase the problem’s difficulty level to challenge yourself.
  • Focus on understanding the problem-solving techniques and strategies used for different question types.

Seek Clarification

  • Don’t hesitate to seek additional help from teachers, classmates, or online communities.
  • Ask questions and participate actively in class discussions to clarify any doubts.
  • Collaborate with study groups or find a study partner to exchange ideas and enhance your understanding.

Review and Consolidate

  • Regularly review and revise the concepts you have learned.
  • Summarize key points, create concept maps, or use flashcards to reinforce your memory.
  • Periodically revisit earlier topics to ensure a strong grasp of the entire syllabus.

Test Yourself

  • Take regular practice tests to assess your knowledge and identify areas for improvement.
  • Time yourself to simulate exam conditions and build your speed and accuracy.
  • Analyze your performance, learn from mistakes, and focus on weak areas during your revision.

Effective Study Techniques:

As you embark on this challenging journey, implementing the right study strategies is crucial to solidify your understanding, retain information, and perform at your best. So, let’s explore the key techniques that will unlock your full potential in A-Level Physics.

Create a Study Schedule

  • Develop a realistic study schedule that incorporates dedicated time for each topic.
  • Break down the syllabus into manageable chunks and allocate specific time slots for revision, practice, and learning new concepts.
  • Stick to your schedule consistently to maintain a disciplined study routine.

Active Learning Methods

  • Engage actively with the study material rather than passively reading/listening.
  • Take comprehensive notes, highlight key points, and summarize complex ideas in your own words.
  • Practice explaining concepts to yourself or others, as teaching enhances understanding.

Utilize Varied Learning Resources:

  • Make use of textbooks, lecture notes, and online resources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
  • Explore multimedia platforms, such as educational videos, animations, and interactive simulations, to reinforce your learning.
  • Participate in online forums or study groups to exchange ideas and clarify doubts.

Practice, Practice, Practice

  • Solve a wide range of practice questions, including past papers and additional exercises.
  • Start with easier problems and gradually progress to the challenging ones.
  • Regular practice enhances problem-solving skills and familiarizes you with the exam format.

Conceptualize with Diagrams and Visualizations

  • Use diagrams, flowcharts, and concept maps to visualize complex concepts and their relationships.
  • Create visual aids to represent formulas, equations, and physical phenomena.
  • Mind mapping techniques can help you organize and connect ideas efficiently.

Teach or Explain to Others

  • Teaching or explaining concepts to others solidifies your own understanding.
  • Form study groups where you can discuss and teach each other.
  • Online platforms also offer opportunities to teach or explain concepts to a wider audience.

Take Breaks and Rest

  • Break your study sessions into manageable chunks with short break intervals in between.
  • Allow yourself time to rest and rejuvenate to prevent burnout.
  • Engage in activities you enjoy to recharge your mind and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Regular Revision

  • Dedicate regular time for revision to reinforce your knowledge.
  • Review previously learned topics periodically to prevent forgetting.
  • Use flashcards or summary sheets to aid in quick revision and recall of key concepts.

Smart Time Management:

  • Breaking down the syllabus and setting realistic study goals.
  • Prioritizing topics based on importance and difficulty level.
  • Allocating time for regular revision and practice.

Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills

  • Analyzing exam-style questions and understanding the requirements.
  • Applying logical reasoning and critical thinking to problem-solving.
  • Practicing with a different range of question types and difficulty levels.

Utilizing Available Resources

  • Exploring online platforms, forums, and study groups for additional support.
  • Seeking guidance from teachers, tutors, or mentors.
  • Making use of educational apps and interactive simulations.

Effective Exam Preparation

  • Understanding the exam format and requirements.
  • Practicing with past papers and sample questions.
  • Implementing time management strategies during the exam.

Maximizing Mark Allocation

  • Understanding how marks are awarded in different question types.
  • Learning how to present answers concisely and clearly.
  • Using appropriate scientific terminology and notation.

Managing Exam Stress

  • Adopting stress-management techniques, such as deep breathing and mindfulness.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper sleep, exercise, and nutrition.
  • Seeking support from family, friends, or counsellor.

Utilizing Available Resources

With a vast array of resources at your fingertips, knowing how to leverage them effectively can make a significant difference in your understanding and performance. So, let’s discover the key strategies for utilizing available resources in A-Level Physics.

Textbooks and Study Guides

  • Select recommended textbooks and study guides that align with your curriculum.
  • Read actively, take notes, and highlight key concepts and explanations.
  • Use textbooks as references to reinforce your understanding and clarify doubts.

Online Platforms and Educational Websites

Explore reputable online platforms and educational websites dedicated to A-Level Physics.

  • Access lecture notes, video tutorials, and interactive simulations for visual and interactive learning experiences.
  • Engage in online forums or discussion boards to connect with fellow learners and seek additional help.

Digital Resources and Mobile Apps

  • Make use of educational apps specifically designed for A-Level Physics.
  • Access digital resources such as e-books, online quizzes, and flashcards for on-the-go learning.
  • Utilize mobile apps that offer interactive simulations or virtual lab experiences.

Past Papers and Mark Schemes

  • Obtain past papers from previous years and familiarize yourself with the exam format.
  • Practice solving past paper questions under timed conditions.
  • Review the mark schemes to understand the expectations of examiners and improve your answer presentation.

Teachers, Tutors, and Mentors

  • Seek guidance from your teachers, tutors, or mentors who have expertise in A-Level Physics.
  • Schedule regular meetings to discuss challenging topics, clarify doubts, and receive personalized feedback.
  • Utilize their experience to gain insights into effective study strategies and exam techniques.

Study Groups and Peer Collaboration

  • Form study groups with classmates or friends who are also studying A-Level Physics.
  • Collaborate to solve problems, explain concepts to each other, and exchange different perspectives.
  • Discuss difficult topics collectively and benefit from shared knowledge and insights.

Online Lectures and Video Tutorials

  • Access online lectures and video tutorials by reputable educators or educational platforms.
  • Watch instructional videos that break down complex topics into easily understandable segments.
  • Pause, rewind, and review at your own pace to grasp challenging concepts effectively.

Additional Study Resources

    • Supplement your learning with additional study resources, such as revision guides or supplementary textbooks.
    • Explore online resources provided by universities, educational institutions, or educational YouTube channels dedicated to A-Level Physics.


Achieving an A* grade in A-Level Physics requires dedication, efforts, effective study techniques, and a comprehensive understanding of the subject. By implementing the tips and tricks outlined in this blog, you can enhance your performance, boost your confidence, and maximize your chances of success. Remember, consistent effort and a positive mindset are key to excelling in A-Level Physics. Good luck on your journey to an A*!

By leveraging ReWiser’s adaptive learning techniques, bite-sized learning units, interactive practice questions, instant feedback, and performance tracking, you can optimize your revision process, strengthen your understanding, and boost your exam performance. Embrace the benefits of ReWiser and take your A-Level Physics revision to the next level. Best of luck on your journey towards achieving an A* grade! 

Click here to connect with us.

Remember, with the right strategies and a determined mindset, you can conquer A-Level Physics and unlock the door to a bright academic future. Let’s begin this exciting adventure together!

The post Tips & Tricks to Ace Your A-Level Physics: Your Path to an A*! appeared first on ReWiser.

The Complete Guide on IB Biology: SL/HL Thu, 29 Jun 2023 07:33:13 +0000 What is IB? The IB program is renowned for its emphasis on critical thinking, inquiry-based learning, and holistic education. It provides a comprehensive framework that promotes academic excellence, personal growth, and the development of skills necessary for success in an increasingly interconnected world. One of the core features of the IB program is its focus […]

The post The Complete Guide on IB Biology: SL/HL appeared first on ReWiser.


What is IB?

The IB program is renowned for its emphasis on critical thinking, inquiry-based learning, and holistic education. It provides a comprehensive framework that promotes academic excellence, personal growth, and the development of skills necessary for success in an increasingly interconnected world.

One of the core features of the IB program is its focus on interdisciplinary learning. Students are encouraged to make connections across different subjects and explore complex global issues from multiple perspectives. This approach fosters a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of various fields of knowledge and prepares students to tackle real-world challenges.

The International Baccalaureate (IB) offers two levels of Biology: Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL). Both levels provide students with a comprehensive understanding of key biological concepts, principles, and skills. In this explanation, we will explore the IB Biology syllabus for both SL and HL, highlighting the similarities and differences between the two levels.

Click here to know more about IB MYP Curriculum

Introduction to IB Biology

The IB Biology course aims to develop students’ understanding of biological principles and concepts, as well as their critical thinking and investigative skills. It covers a wide range of topics, including cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, ecology, and evolution. The syllabus is designed to promote an understanding of the scientific method and the application of biological knowledge to real-world situations.

  • Core Topics

Both SL and HL students cover a set of core topics that form the foundation of the IB Biology curriculum. These topics are essential for developing a comprehensive understanding of biology. The core topics include:

Cell Biology:

Introduction to cells

Membrane structure and transport

The origin of cells

Cell division

Cell respiration and photosynthesis

Molecular Biology:

Structure of DNA and RNA

DNA replication and protein synthesis


Biotechnology and genetic engineering



Mendelian genetics

Genetic engineering and biotechnology

Human genetics

Genetic diversity and natural selection

Cloning and biotechnology applications


Species, communities, and ecosystems

Energy flow and nutrient cycles

Populations and conservation biology

Biodiversity and human impact on ecosystems

Climate change and sustainability

Evolution and Biodiversity:

Evidence for evolution

Natural selection

Speciation and isolation mechanisms

Classification and phylogeny

Human evolution

II. Additional HL Topics

In addition to the core topics, HL students cover additional content that extends and deepens their understanding of biology. These topics are specifically designed to challenge and engage HL students. The additional HL topics include:

Nucleic Acids:

DNA structure and replication

RNA structure and function

Gene expression and regulation

Genome organization and non-coding DNA

Metabolism, Cell Respiration, and Photosynthesis:

Cellular respiration


Metabolism and energy flow

Thermoregulation and metabolism

Plant Biology:

Plant structure and growth

Transport in plants

Plant reproduction

Plant response to the environment

Plant biotechnology

Genetics and Evolution:

Meiosis and genetic diversity

Gene pools and speciation

Molecular genetics and evolution

Human evolution and genomics

Ethical considerations in genetics

Click here to get the complete guide on IB Subject choices

How is IB Biology Graded?

The grading system for IB Biology takes into account various components, such as internal assessments, external assessments, and the overall achievement of the student. In this essay, we will explore the grading criteria and methods used in IB Biology.

To begin with, IB Biology assessments consist of two main components: internal assessments (IAs) and external assessments. Internal assessments are conducted within the school under the supervision of the teacher, while external assessments are conducted externally and include written examinations. Both components contribute to the final grade a student receives in IB Biology.

Internal assessments make up 24% of the final grade in IB Biology. These assessments are designed to evaluate a student’s ability to apply their knowledge and skills to specific tasks. There are typically four internal assessments in IB Biology, which may include laboratory experiments, fieldwork, data analysis, or other investigative activities. These assessments are carried out over the two-year duration of the course and are marked by the teacher according to specific criteria provided by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).

The IBO provides detailed criteria for each internal assessment component, which allows teachers to assess students consistently and fairly. The criteria assess various aspects, including the design of the investigation, the collection and analysis of data, the evaluation of results, and the student’s ability to communicate their findings effectively. Each criterion is assigned a numerical value, and the sum of these values determines the student’s score for that particular assessment. The scores obtained in the internal assessments are then moderated by the IBO to ensure consistency across different schools and teachers.

External assessments make up the remaining 76% of the final grade in IB Biology. These assessments are conducted at the end of the course and consist of written examinations. The external assessments cover a broad range of topics and assess students’ knowledge, understanding, and application of biological principles. The examinations are designed to test both factual knowledge and critical thinking skills.

There are three main components to the external assessments in IB Biology: Paper 1, Paper 2, and the Internal Assessment Exploration. Paper 1 is a multiple-choice examination that tests the student’s understanding of core concepts and content. It consists of a series of questions with four or five possible answers, and students must select the most appropriate response. Paper 1 contributes 20% to the final grade.

Paper 2 is a structured essay examination that assesses students’ ability to analyze and evaluate biological concepts in more depth. Students are required to answer a series of questions, typically organized into sections, and demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter. Paper 2 contributes 36% to the final grade.

The Internal Assessment Exploration is a written report that allows students to investigate a topic of their choice in greater detail. This report is typically based on experimental work conducted by the student and requires them to demonstrate their ability to plan, execute, and analyze an investigation. The Internal Assessment Exploration contributes 20% to the final grade.

In addition to the internal and external assessments, the IB Biology course also emphasizes the development of scientific skills and understanding through a series of practical activities called “individual investigations.” These investigations provide students with hands-on experience and allow them to develop their scientific inquiry skills. Although individual investigations are not directly assessed, they play an essential role in building students’ understanding and preparing them for internal and external assessments.

Once the internal and external assessments have been completed, the scores obtained in each component are combined to determine the student’s final grade in IB Biology. The scores are converted into a scale of 1 to 7, with 7 being the highest achievable grade. The final grade is determined by adding together the scores obtained in the internal assessments and the external assessments, as well as any bonus points earned through the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge components of the IB diploma program.

Overall, the grading system in IB Biology is designed to assess students’ knowledge, understanding, and application of biological concepts and principles. It combines internal and external assessments, allowing students to demonstrate their skills through a variety of tasks and activities. The use of specific criteria and the moderation process ensure fairness and consistency in the grading process, enabling universities and colleges worldwide to recognize and evaluate students’ achievements accurately.

In conclusion, IB Biology is assessed through a combination of internal and external assessments. Internal assessments include laboratory experiments and investigations conducted within the school, while external assessments consist of written examinations. Both components contribute to the final grade, with internal assessments accounting for 24% and external assessments accounting for 76%. The grading process involves the use of specific criteria and a moderation process to ensure consistency and fairness. The final grade in IB Biology is determined by combining the scores obtained in the internal and external assessments, as well as any bonus points earned through other components of the IB diploma program

To understand the merit of the IB Diploma program: Click here

How to Prepare for the IB Biology Exam?

Preparing for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology exam requires a systematic approach to cover the vast amount of content and develop the necessary skills for success. In this guide, we will provide you with a comprehensive plan to prepare for the exam effectively. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to approach your IB Biology exam preparation:

Step 1: Understand the Exam Structure and Syllabus

Before diving into the preparation, familiarize yourself with the exam structure and the syllabus provided by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). Understand the assessment criteria, exam format, and the topics covered in the syllabus. This will give you a clear idea of what to expect and how to allocate your time effectively.

Step 2: Organize Your Study Materials

Gather all the study materials you will need for your preparation. This includes your textbook, class notes, handouts, past exam papers, and any additional resources recommended by your teacher. Having everything in one place will help you stay organized and focused during your study sessions.

Step 3: Create a Study Schedule

Devise a study schedule that allocates sufficient time for each topic based on its weightage and your comfort level. Spread out your study sessions over several weeks or months, depending on the time available before the exam. Make sure to include regular breaks and revision sessions to reinforce your learning.

Step 4: Review the Key Concepts

Start by reviewing the fundamental concepts of biology. Understand the core ideas, definitions, and relationships between different topics. This will form the foundation for more in-depth understanding later on. Use your textbook, class notes, and online resources to reinforce your understanding.

Step 5: Break Down the Syllabus into Topics

Divide the syllabus into smaller topics and subtopics. Create a list or a mind map of all the topics you need to cover. This will help you track your progress and ensure that you cover each area thoroughly. Assign specific study sessions to each topic, and check them off as you complete them.

Step 6: Study Actively

Use active study methods rather than passive reading. Instead of merely reading the material, try to explain concepts in your own words, teach them to someone else, or create flashcards for key terms and definitions. Your learning and retention will improve if you actively engage with the material.

Step 7: Practice with Past Papers

Familiarize yourself with the exam format and style by practicing with past papers. Analyze the questions, identify patterns, and understand the expectations of the examiners. Time yourself while attempting the papers to improve your speed and efficiency. Afterwards, review your answers, identify areas of weakness, and seek clarification for any concepts you find challenging.

Step 8: Seek Clarification

If you encounter any difficulties or have questions while studying, don’t hesitate to seek clarification from your teacher or classmates. Join study groups or online forums where you can discuss and exchange knowledge with fellow IB Biology students. Explaining concepts to others or hearing different perspectives can deepen your understanding.

Step 9: Create Visual Aids

Biology involves complex processes and structures that can be easier to comprehend through visual aids. Create diagrams, flowcharts, or concept maps to illustrate key processes, pathways, or relationships between different biological components. Visual aids can be a powerful tool for memorization and understanding.

Step 10: Review and Revise Regularly

As you progress through your study schedule, allocate regular time for revision. Review the topics you have covered to reinforce your understanding and ensure that the knowledge is retained. Use summary notes, flashcards, or mnemonic devices to help you recall information during revision sessions.

Step 11: Practice Experimental Design

Biology exams often include questions related to experimental design, data analysis, and evaluation. Practice designing experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions based on given scenarios. Familiarize yourself with common statistical tests and their applications in biology.

Step 12: Take Care of Your Well-being

Get enough sleep, go for regular workouts, and eat healthily. Get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy diet. Taking breaks and engaging in activities you enjoy will help prevent burnout and keep you motivated throughout the preparation process.

In conclusion, preparing for the IB Biology exam requires a systematic and disciplined approach. By understanding the exam structure, organizing your study materials, creating a study schedule, actively engaging with the content, practicing with past papers, seeking clarification, using visual aids, and regular revision, you will be well-prepared to excel in your exam. Remember to take care of yourself and maintain a balanced lifestyle throughout the preparation period. Good luck!

How can Rewiser help you in your IB exam preparation?

We provide significant support and guidance in preparing for the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, including IB Biology. Here are some ways in which ReWiser can assist students in their IB preparation:

Expert Tutors: ReWiser employs experienced and knowledgeable tutors who are well-versed in the IB curriculum. These tutors can provide personalized guidance, clarify concepts, and help students understand difficult topics in IB Biology. They can offer individual attention and address any specific concerns or questions that students may have.

Structured Study Programs: ReWiser offers structured study programs specifically designed for IB subjects, including IB Biology. These programs are tailored to the IB curriculum, ensuring that students cover all the necessary topics and skills required for the exams. The programs typically include comprehensive study materials, practice questions, and resources to aid students in their preparation.

Exam Strategies and Techniques: ReWiser can assist students in developing effective exam strategies and techniques. We provide guidance on time management, problem-solving approaches, and how to approach different types of questions that may appear in IB Biology exams. Understanding the exam structure and knowing how to approach each section can boost students’ confidence and performance.

Mock Exams and Practice Tests: ReWiser often conducts mock exams and practice tests that simulate the actual IB Biology examination conditions. These assessments allow students to familiarize themselves with the exam format, time constraints, and the types of questions they will encounter. By practicing under exam-like conditions, students can refine their test-taking skills, identify areas for improvement, and gain confidence in their abilities.

Individualized Feedback and Progress Tracking: ReWiser provides individualized feedback to students on their performance in practice tests and assessments. This feedback can help students understand their strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to focus their efforts on areas that require improvement. Progress tracking allows students to monitor their growth over time and make adjustments to their study plans as needed.

Additional Support and Resources: ReWiser educational institute often offers supplementary resources and materials to enhance students’ understanding of IB Biology. These resources may include additional practice questions, textbooks, reference materials, and online resources. Having access to these extra resources can provide students with a more comprehensive understanding of the subject and offer opportunities for further practice and exploration.

Motivation and Study Skills: ReWiser educational institute can help students develop effective study skills and motivation strategies. We provide guidance on time management, goal setting, and techniques for staying motivated throughout the IB program. These skills can be beneficial in managing the workload, staying focused, and maintaining a positive mindset during the rigorous IB Biology preparation.

Overall, we offer valuable support and resources to students preparing for IB Biology. Through expert tutors, structured study programs, exam strategies, practice assessments, feedback, additional resources, and a supportive learning environment, we contribute to students’ success in their IB Biology journey.

Click here to connect with us.


As we conclude our journey through IB Biology, let us remember that this field of study is not only about learning facts and theories but also about fostering curiosity, critical thinking, and a sense of wonder about the natural world. By embracing the principles of biology, we can better comprehend the world around us, appreciate its beauty, and contribute to its preservation and sustainability.

The post The Complete Guide on IB Biology: SL/HL appeared first on ReWiser.

All you need to know about AS Level Fri, 09 Jun 2023 11:12:38 +0000 From understanding the structure and assessment methods to exploring subject options and preparing for success, this blog from ReWiser is your ultimate guide on your AS Level journey. Gain insights into the benefits of AS Level: Discover how this qualification can give you a competitive edge, open doors to universities worldwide, and enhance your personal […]

The post All you need to know about AS Level appeared first on ReWiser.


From understanding the structure and assessment methods to exploring subject options and preparing for success, this blog from ReWiser is your ultimate guide on your AS Level journey. Gain insights into the benefits of AS Level: Discover how this qualification can give you a competitive edge, open doors to universities worldwide, and enhance your personal growth and skills development. Uncover the structure and assessment methods of AS Level: Learn about coursework, examinations, grading systems, and progression to A-Level. Get a clear picture of what to expect and how to excel in your exams. Explore a wide range of subject options: Whether you’re interested in sciences, humanities, languages, arts, or business, find out which subjects align with your passions and future career goals. Discover effective preparation tips: Maximize your study efforts with proven strategies, time management techniques, and advice on seeking support and resources. Unlock success stories and testimonials: Be inspired by real-life experiences of students who pursued AS Level and learn how this qualification shaped their academic and professional journeys. So, if you’re an AS Level student or know someone who is, don’t miss out on this valuable resource! 


AS Level, short for Advanced Subsidiary Level, is an important milestone in the educational journey of many students around the world. It serves as a bridge between the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and the full A-Level qualification. AS Level provides students with an opportunity to deepen their knowledge in specific subjects, explore their academic interests, and pave the way for higher education or career paths. In this blog, we will delve into all the essential aspects of AS Level, including its purpose, structure, subject options, and how it can benefit students in their future endeavours.

Check our recent blog on the topic “Everything you need to know about A Level course.”

Understanding AS Level

AS Level is typically undertaken by students in their penultimate year of secondary education, usually at the age of 16-17. It is an optional qualification, allowing students to select specific subjects they wish to study in greater depth. AS Level is recognized internationally and widely accepted by universities and employers as a reliable measure of a student’s academic abilities.

Check our recent blog on the topic “Everything you need to know about AS and A Levels.”

Purpose and Benefits

The primary purpose of AS Level is to provide students with an opportunity to specialize in subjects of their interest and build a strong foundation for further study. It allows students to develop their critical thinking, analytical, and research skills. AS Level also provides a chance for students to explore different subject areas before committing to full A-Level courses, which are more comprehensive and time-consuming. By taking AS Level examinations, students gain a qualification that showcases their knowledge and skills to potential universities and employers.

AS Level offers several benefits to students. Here are some key advantages of pursuing AS Level:

Specialization and Depth: AS Level allows students to specialize in specific subjects of their interest. It provides an opportunity to delve deeper into chosen subjects, explore advanced concepts, and develop a more comprehensive understanding. This specialization can help students build a strong foundation in their preferred areas of study.

University Preparation: AS Level is highly regarded by universities worldwide. It demonstrates a student’s academic abilities and commitment to higher education. Universities often consider AS Level results during the admissions process, as it provides a clear indication of a student’s subject knowledge and readiness for further study.

Flexibility and Exploration: AS Level offers a wide range of subject options, allowing students to explore different fields before committing to full A-Level courses. It enables students to experiment with various subjects, discover their strengths, and make informed decisions about their future academic and career paths.

Enhanced Skills Development: Studying AS Level develops various skills that are valuable for academic and professional success. It promotes critical thinking, independent research, analytical reasoning, and problem-solving abilities. These skills are transferable and applicable across different disciplines and future endeavours.

Competitive Edge: Achieving excellent results in AS Level examinations can give students a competitive advantage. It sets them apart from their peers and showcases their academic prowess to universities and potential employers. AS Level qualifications can strengthen a student’s profile and increase their chances of securing admission into top universities or gaining employment in competitive fields.

Personal Growth: AS Level challenges students to push their intellectual boundaries and pursue academic excellence. It fosters self-discipline, time management skills, and a strong work ethic. The rigorous nature of AS Level courses helps students develop resilience, adaptability, and perseverance, which are essential qualities for success in any endeavour.

Broadened Knowledge Base: AS Level broadens students’ knowledge base by exposing them to advanced concepts, theories, and real-world applications. It equips students with a deeper understanding of the subjects they study and provides a solid academic grounding for further study at the A-Level or undergraduate level.

Global Recognition: AS Level qualifications are recognized internationally by universities, colleges, and employers. This global recognition ensures that students can pursue higher education or career opportunities in different countries with confidence, knowing that their qualifications hold value and are respected by academic institutions and employers worldwide.

In conclusion, AS Level offers numerous benefits to students. It provides an avenue for specialization, prepares students for university, develops essential skills, and enhances personal growth. AS Level qualifications open doors to diverse opportunities and set the stage for future academic and professional success.

Structure and Assessment

AS Level is typically a one-year course, although some schools may offer it as a two-year program. The structure and assessment methods can vary depending on the education system and examination board followed. In general, AS Level courses consist of both coursework and examinations.

The coursework component involves assignments, projects, and practical work, depending on the subject. Coursework is usually internally assessed and can contribute to the final grade. The examination component assesses students’ knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. Examinations are externally set and marked by qualified examiners. The results of AS Level examinations are graded on a scale, usually from A to E, with A being the highest grade. 

The structure and assessment of AS Level can vary depending on the education system and examination board followed. However, there are common components and principles that can be outlined. Here is an overview of the typical structure and assessment methods of AS Level:

Duration and Course Structure

AS Level is usually a one-year course, although some schools may offer it as a two-year program.

Students typically study a reduced number of subjects compared to full A-Level courses.

The number of subjects taken can vary, usually ranging from three to four subjects.


AS Level often includes a coursework component, which involves practical work, assignments, projects, or essays.

The nature and weightage of coursework can vary depending on the subject. For example, sciences may involve practical experiments, while humanities subjects may require research papers or projects.

Coursework is typically internally assessed by teachers or tutors within the school or educational institution.

The coursework component may contribute to the final grade, but its weightage varies between subjects and examination boards.


The examination component is a significant part of AS Level assessment.

Examinations are externally set and marked by qualified examiners appointed by the examination board.

The format and duration of examinations vary by subject, but they generally assess students’ knowledge, understanding, and application of the subject matter.

Examinations can include a combination of multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, essays, and data analysis.

The number of examination papers and the distribution of marks within each subject is determined by the examination board.

Grading System:

AS Level results are usually graded on a scale, often ranging from A to E, with A being the highest grade.

The specific grade boundaries and grade distribution are determined by the examination board.

Some examination boards also use a numerical grading scale, such as 100 to 0, with higher numbers representing higher grades.

Progression to A-Level

AS Level is considered a standalone qualification, but it also serves as the first part of a full A-Level course.

Depending on the education system and examination board, students may have the option to continue their studies in the same subjects at A-Level, building upon the knowledge and skills acquired at AS Level.

The grades achieved at AS Level may contribute to the final A-Level grade, depending on the examination board’s policy.

It’s important to note that the specific details of the structure and assessment methods may vary depending on the country, education system, and examination board. Students should consult their school, teachers, or examination board for precise information regarding the AS Level courses they are undertaking.

Subject Options

AS Level offers a wide range of subject options, allowing students to choose subjects according to their interests, strengths, and future career aspirations. The available subjects may vary depending on the examination board and educational institution. Here are some common subject options for AS Level:





Environmental Science

Human Biology


Psychology (can be classified under both Science and Social Science categories)

Check our blog on the topic “A complete guide on AS Level Physics.”

Mathematics and Statistics:


Further Mathematics


Humanities and Social Sciences:

English Literature





Psychology (can be classified under both Science and Social Science categories)



Religious Studies


English Language

Modern Languages (such as French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, etc.)

Arts and Creative Subjects:

Art and Design


Drama and Theatre Studies


Media Studies

Business and Economics:

Business Studies


Computer Science and ICT:

Computer Science

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Other Subjects:

Physical Education (PE)

Design and Technology (DT)

Critical Thinking

General Studies

It’s important for students to consider their interests, strengths, future career goals, and university requirements when selecting AS Level subjects. Some universities or degree programs may have specific subject requirements or preferences, especially for subjects related to science, mathematics, or specific fields of study. Students should consult with their school counsellors, subject teachers, or university guidance counsellors to make informed decisions about their AS Level subject choices.

Preparing for AS Level

Preparing for AS Level exams requires effective study strategies and disciplined preparation. Here are some tips to help you prepare for AS Level exams:

Understand the Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the AS Level syllabus for each subject you are studying. Understand the topics, concepts, and learning objectives outlined in the syllabus. This will help you prioritize your study areas and ensure that you cover all the required content.

Create a Study Schedule: Develop a time table that includes dedicated time for each subject. Allocate specific time slots for studying, revising, and practising exam-style questions. A well-planned schedule will help you manage your time effectively and ensure that you cover all the necessary topics.

Organize Study Materials: Gather all relevant study materials, including textbooks, notes, past papers, and revision guides. Keep your study materials well-organized & easily accessible. This will save time and help you locate specific information when studying or revising.

Break Down Topics: Break down complex topics into smaller, manageable parts. Create a study plan that covers each subtopic individually. This approach makes studying more digestible and helps you focus on understanding and mastering one concept at a time.

Practice Past Papers: Familiarize yourself with the exam format by practising past papers. Past papers are valuable resources for understanding the structure of the exam, identifying common question patterns, and practising time management. Work through past papers under timed conditions to simulate the exam environment and assess your progress.

Seek Clarification: If you encounter challenging concepts or have doubts, seek clarification from your teachers, classmates, or online resources. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek help when needed. Understanding concepts thoroughly will strengthen your foundation and boost your confidence.

Collaborate with Peers: Form study groups with classmates or peers who are also preparing for AS Level exams. Discussing and explaining concepts to others can enhance your understanding and memory retention. Additionally, group study sessions provide an opportunity to share resources, exchange ideas, and gain different perspectives.

Take Breaks and Practice Self-Care: While it’s important to dedicate focused study time, it’s equally important to take regular breaks. Taking breaks helps prevent burnout and allows your mind to rest and consolidate information. Engage in activities that relax and rejuvenate you, such as exercise, listening to music, reading novels, playing or spending time with loved ones.

Review and Revise Regularly: Continuously review and revise the topics you have studied. Regular revision helps reinforce your understanding and memory of the content. Create summary notes, flashcards, or mind maps to condense information and aid in quick revision.

Stay Positive and Stay Motivated: Maintaining a positive mindset and staying motivated throughout your exam preparation is crucial. Believe in your abilities, set realistic goals, and celebrate your progress along the way. Stay focused, practice self-discipline, and remind yourself of the long-term benefits of your hard work.

Remember, exam preparation is a journey, and everyone has their own unique study techniques. Experiment with various strategies and find what works best for you. Stay organized, stay committed, and approach your AS Level exams with confidence and determination. Reach out to us in case you need any help. Good luck!


AS Level serves as a significant stepping stone in the academic journey of students, enabling them to delve deeper into subjects of their interest and prepare for higher education or future careers. By choosing AS Level subjects wisely and dedicating themselves to focused study, students can develop valuable skills, broaden their horizons, and pave the way for success in their chosen fields. The knowledge and experiences gained during AS Level can be immensely beneficial in university admissions, career opportunities, and personal growth. Therefore, students should embrace the opportunities offered by AS Level and make the most of this crucial phase in their educational journey to success.

The post All you need to know about AS Level appeared first on ReWiser.

The Complete IB Maths Syllabus: SL/HL Sat, 03 Jun 2023 06:26:18 +0000 IB stands for International Baccalaureate. It is an educational program that provides a rigorous and internationally recognized curriculum for students aged 3 to 19. The program aims to develop the intellectual, personal, emotional, and social skills of students to prepare them for success in a rapidly changing world. The International Baccalaureate organization, founded in 1968, […]

The post The Complete IB Maths Syllabus: SL/HL appeared first on ReWiser.


IB stands for International Baccalaureate. It is an educational program that provides a rigorous and internationally recognized curriculum for students aged 3 to 19. The program aims to develop the intellectual, personal, emotional, and social skills of students to prepare them for success in a rapidly changing world. The International Baccalaureate organization, founded in 1968, offers several programs, but the most well-known and widely implemented is the Diploma Program (IBDP), which is typically taken by students aged 16 to 19. The IBDP is a two-year curriculum that offers a broad and balanced education across six subject groups: Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, and the Arts. Students choose courses from each group, ensuring a well-rounded education.

In addition to the subject groups, the IBDP includes three core requirements that all students must complete. These are:

Theory of Knowledge (TOK): This course explores the nature of knowledge, how knowledge is acquired, and the ways in which it can be justified. It encourages critical thinking and reflection on the nature of knowledge across different disciplines.

Extended Essay (EE): Students undertake an independent research project and write a 4,000-word essay on a topic of their choice. The EE allows students to develop research and writing skills and delve deeply into a subject of personal interest.

Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS): This component encourages students to participate in creative pursuits, physical activities, and community service. It aims to foster personal growth, develop skills, and promote engagement with the local and global community.

Assessment in the IBDP is both internal and external. Internal assessments, such as coursework and projects, are marked by teachers and moderated externally. External assessments consist of examinations administered worldwide, which are marked by external IB examiners.

The IB program is highly regarded for its emphasis on critical thinking, inquiry-based learning, and international-mindedness. It is recognized by universities around the world and can provide students with advanced standing or credit in higher education. The IB aims to develop students who are knowledgeable, caring, and capable of contributing positively to society.

Click here to know all about IB Programme

IB Mathematics

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Mathematics syllabus is designed to develop students’ mathematical understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The syllabus consists of different topics and subtopics, which vary between the Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL) courses.


In this explanation, we will cover the complete IB Mathematics syllabus for both SL and HL, highlighting the key topics and concepts within each.

Standard Level (SL) IB Maths Syllabus:


  • Linear equations and inequalities
  • Quadratic equations and functions
  • Exponential and logarithmic functions
  • Arithmetic and geometric sequences and series
  • Binomial theorem
  • Matrices and transformations

Functions and Equations:

  • Graphs of functions
  • Transformations of functions
  • Inverse functions
  • Rational functions and equations
  • Exponential and logarithmic functions
  • Trigonometric functions and equations

Circular Functions and Trigonometry:

  • Radian measure
  • Trigonometric functions and identities
  • Graphs of trigonometric functions
  • Solving trigonometric equations
  • Trigonometric identities and equations

Descriptive Statistics:

  • Data representation and interpretation
  • Measures of central tendency and dispersion
  • Correlation and regression
  • Probability distributions


  • Counting principles
  • Probability laws and conditional probability
  • Discrete random variables and probability distributions
  • Normal distribution

Statistical Applications:

  • Statistical diagrams and graphs
  • Sampling techniques and surveys
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Confidence intervals

Geometry and Trigonometry:

  • Geometric reasoning and proofs
  • Properties of triangles and circles
  • Vectors and vector geometry
  • Trigonometric identities and equations


  • Differentiation and its applications
  • Integration and its applications
  • Differential equations
  • Mathematical modeling

Higher Level (HL) IB Maths Syllabus:

In addition to the topics covered in SL, HL Mathematics includes the following:

Series and Differential Equations:

  • Arithmetic and geometric sequences and series
  • Power series and convergence tests
  • Taylor and Maclaurin series
  • Ordinary differential equations

Sets, Relations, and Groups:

  • Set theory and notation
  • Relations and functions
  • Group theory and its applications

Discrete Mathematics:

  • Logic and proof
  • Algorithms and algorithmic thinking
  • Matrices and graph theory
  • Networks and flows


  • Techniques of integration
  • Applications of integration
  • First and second-order differential equations
  • Volumes of revolution and parametric equations

Probability and Statistics:

  • Probability distributions
  • Bivariate data and linear regression
  • Sampling and hypothesis testing
  • Statistical inference and probability models

Relations and Circular Functions:

  • Trigonometric functions and their graphs
  • Radian measure and periodicity
  • Trigonometric identities and equations
  • Inverse trigonometric functions


  • Vector equations and geometry
  • Dot and cross products
  • Lines and planes in space
  • Vector-valued functions

Option Topics (Choose one):

  • Statistics and Probability
  • Sets, Relations, and Groups
  • Calculus
  • Discrete Mathematics

It’s important to note that the HL Mathematics syllabus covers each topic in more depth and complexity compared to the SL syllabus

How is IB Math graded?

IB Math, part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, is graded using a comprehensive assessment system that evaluates students’ mathematical knowledge and skills. In this explanation, we will discuss the various components of the IB Math grading system, including internal assessment, external assessment, and overall grading criteria.

Internal Assessment (IA):

The internal assessment is an essential part of the IB Math grading process. It accounts for 20% of the total marks in Mathematics SL and Mathematics HL, while in Further Mathematics HL, it contributes 25%. The internal assessment allows students to demonstrate their understanding, research skills, and ability to apply mathematical concepts in real-life contexts.

The IA consists of a mathematical exploration, also known as the Extended Essay in Mathematics. Students are required to choose a topic of their interest, investigate it using mathematical methods, and present their findings in a written report. The exploration should demonstrate critical thinking, mathematical rigour, and creativity.

The internal assessment is marked by the subject teacher and then externally moderated by the IB. The assessment criteria include mathematical presentation, mathematical rigour, personal engagement, reflection, and use of mathematics. Each criterion is scored on a scale from 0 to 6, with a total maximum score of 20 or 25, depending on the level.

External Assessment:

The external assessment in IB Math consists of two components: Paper 1 and Paper 2. The weightage of these components varies depending on the level of the course.

  1. Paper 1: This component assesses students’ understanding of the core topics in the syllabus. It includes a combination of multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and extended-response questions. The duration of Paper 1 ranges from 1 hour for Mathematical Studies SL to 2 hours for Mathematics HL and Further Mathematics HL.
  2. Paper 2: This component evaluates students’ ability to solve problems and apply mathematical concepts in more complex scenarios. It includes a mix of short-answer questions, extended-response questions, and investigative tasks. The duration of Paper 2 ranges from 1 hour for Mathematical Studies SL to 2.5 hours for Mathematics HL and Further Mathematics HL.

The external assessment papers are marked by IB examiners following detailed mark schemes. The marks are then converted into a scaled score out of 100 for each paper.

Overall Grading Criteria:

The internal and external assessments contribute to the overall grading in IB Math. In addition to these components, the overall grade also considers the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course and the Extended Essay (EE) that students undertake as part of the IB Diploma Program.

The final grade for each student is determined by combining the scores achieved in the internal assessment, external assessment, TOK course, and EE. The maximum total score in IB Math is 100.

The final scores are converted into a seven-point scale, where each point corresponds to a specific range of scores. The grading scale is as follows:

Level 7: 80-100

Level 6: 70-79

Level 5: 60-69

Level 4: 50-59

Level 3: 40-49

Level 2: 30-39

Level 1: 0-29

It’s important to note that the grade boundaries may vary slightly from one examination session to another to ensure consistency and fairness across different years.

In conclusion, IB Math is graded through a comprehensive assessment system that incorporates internal assessment, external assessment, TOK, and EE. The internal assessment involves a mathematical exploration, while the external assessment comprises two papers

How to prepare for IB Math Exam?

Preparing for IB Math requires a systematic approach and a solid understanding of the concepts covered in the curriculum. Here are some steps you can follow to effectively prepare for IB Math:

Understand the syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the IB Math syllabus to know what topics and concepts you need to study. This will help you create a study plan and prioritize your efforts.

Organize your study materials: Gather all the necessary textbooks, study guides, past papers, and any other relevant resources. Having your materials organized will make it easier for you to study and review.

Here are the best IB Math Study materials to use this year

Review prerequisite knowledge: IB Math builds upon prior mathematical knowledge. Make sure you have a strong foundation in algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and calculus. Review these topics if needed.

Create a study schedule: Develop a study schedule that allows you to allocate dedicated time for each topic. Break down your study sessions into smaller, manageable chunks to enhance your understanding and retention.

Understand the concepts: Take the time to understand the underlying concepts of each topic. Don’t just memorize formulas; focus on the logic and principles behind them. This will enable you to apply the ideas to many problem kinds.

Math is a subject that demands practice, so practice it frequently. Solve a wide range of problems from different sources, including past papers and textbook exercises. This will help you develop problem-solving skills and gain familiarity with the exam format.

Seek help when needed: If you encounter difficulties with certain topics, don’t hesitate to seek help. Reach out to your teacher, classmates, or online resources such as forums or tutorial videos to clarify any doubts.

Review and revise: Regularly review the topics you’ve covered to reinforce your understanding. Make summaries, flashcards, or concept maps to consolidate your knowledge. Prioritize revision of topics you find challenging.

Work on past papers: As you approach the exam, practice solving past papers under timed conditions. This will help you become familiar with the exam format, identify areas for improvement, and improve your time management skills.

Seek feedback: Request feedback from your teacher or tutor on your practice papers and assignments. Their insights can help you identify areas where you need to improve and provide guidance on how to enhance your performance.

Here are some common study errors that IB Math students make

How does ReWiser help you in your IB Exam Preparation?

We provide significant support and guidance in preparing for the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, including IB Math. Here are some ways in which ReWiser can assist students in their IB preparation:

Expert Tutors: ReWiser employs experienced and knowledgeable tutors who are well-versed in the IB curriculum. These tutors can provide personalized guidance, clarify concepts, and help students understand difficult topics in IB Math. They can offer individual attention and address any specific concerns or questions that students may have.

Structured Study Programs: ReWiser offers structured study programs specifically designed for IB subjects, including IB Math. These programs are tailored to the IB curriculum, ensuring that students cover all the necessary topics and skills required for the exams. The programs typically include comprehensive study materials, practice questions, and resources to aid students in their preparation.

Exam Strategies and Techniques: ReWiser can assist students in developing effective exam strategies and techniques. We provide guidance on time management, problem-solving approaches, and how to approach different types of questions that may appear in IB Math exams. Understanding the exam structure and knowing how to approach each section can boost students’ confidence and performance.

Mock Exams and Practice Tests: ReWiser often conducts mock exams and practice tests that simulate the actual IB Math examination conditions. These assessments allow students to familiarize themselves with the exam format, time constraints, and the types of questions they will encounter. By practicing under exam-like conditions, students can refine their test-taking skills, identify areas for improvement, and gain confidence in their abilities.

Individualized Feedback and Progress Tracking: ReWiser provides individualized feedback to students on their performance in practice tests and assessments. This feedback can help students understand their strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to focus their efforts on areas that require improvement. Progress tracking allows students to monitor their growth over time and make adjustments to their study plans as needed.

Additional Support and Resources: ReWiser educational institute often offers supplementary resources and materials to enhance students’ understanding of IB Math. These resources may include additional practice questions, textbooks, reference materials, and online resources. Having access to these extra resources can provide students with a more comprehensive understanding of the subject and offer opportunities for further practice and exploration.

Motivation and Study Skills: ReWiser educational institute can help students develop effective study skills and motivation strategies. They may provide guidance on time management, goal setting, and techniques for staying motivated throughout the IB program. These skills can be beneficial in managing the workload, staying focused, and maintaining a positive mindset during the rigorous IB Math preparation.

Overall, we offer valuable support and resources to students preparing for IB Math. Through expert tutors, structured study programs, exam strategies, practice assessments, feedback, additional resources, and a supportive learning environment, we contribute to students’ success in their IB Math journey. 

Reach out to us for more details: Click here.


Remember, consistency and perseverance are key when preparing for IB Math. Regular practice and a thorough understanding of the concepts will increase your confidence and maximize your chances of success. Good luck!

The post The Complete IB Maths Syllabus: SL/HL appeared first on ReWiser.

Is IGCSE Harder than CBSE? Wed, 31 May 2023 05:30:10 +0000 Introduction: One of the common questions that students and parents often ponder is the difficulty level of different educational curricula. When it comes to the choice between IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education), a comparison of their rigour becomes crucial. In the realm of secondary education, students […]

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One of the common questions that students and parents often ponder is the difficulty level of different educational curricula. When it comes to the choice between IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education), a comparison of their rigour becomes crucial.

In the realm of secondary education, students often face a choice between different curriculum options. Two popular choices are the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). This blog aims to explore and compare the difficulty levels of these two curricula, shedding light on various aspects that students and parents may consider when making this important decision.


IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) is a globally recognized secondary education program for students of age 14 to 16 years. It is offered by Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE), a part of the University of Cambridge.

Click here to know all about IGCSE Curriculum. 

Here are some key features of the IGCSE program:

International Curriculum: IGCSE provides a comprehensive and internationally recognized curriculum that covers a wide range of subjects. It offers a balanced mix of academic and practical subjects, allowing students to develop both knowledge and skills.

Flexibility and Choice: IGCSE offers a flexible course structure that allows students to choose subjects based on their interests and future career aspirations. It offers a wide range of subject options, including languages, sciences, humanities, and creative arts.

Assessment Methods: IGCSE assessments are typically conducted through a combination of written exams, oral exams, coursework, and practical assessments. This varied assessment approach aims to evaluate students’ knowledge, understanding, and practical skills.

Global Recognition: IGCSE is recognized and valued by universities and employers worldwide. It provides a solid foundation for further education, such as the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme or A-levels, and facilitates access to universities in many countries.

Skills Development: The IGCSE curriculum focuses not only on content knowledge but also on developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. It encourages students to apply their knowledge to real-world situations, fostering a deeper understanding of the subjects.

Preparation for Higher Education: IGCSE prepares students for advanced study by equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge. The program helps students develop independent learning skills, research abilities, and a strong academic foundation to succeed in higher education.

International Perspective: As an internationally recognized program, IGCSE provides a global perspective by exposing students to diverse cultures, perspectives, and global issues. This helps foster cultural awareness, international-mindedness, and prepares students to thrive in a globalized world.

Overall, IGCSE offers students a rigorous and well-rounded education that prepares them for future academic and professional success. Its emphasis on flexibility, skills development, and global recognition makes it a popular choice among students seeking an international education.

We bring to you Tips to crack IGCSE with A+


CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) is a national educational board in India that provides education to students from pre-primary to higher secondary levels. Here are some key features of the CBSE curriculum:

Comprehensive Curriculum: CBSE offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of subjects, including languages, sciences, mathematics, social sciences, and more. It provides a balanced mix of academic and practical subjects to ensure holistic development.

Standardized Education: CBSE follows a standardized curriculum across affiliated schools, ensuring uniformity in education quality and content. It aims to provide a consistent learning experience for students across different regions of the country.

National Level Examinations: CBSE conducts national-level examinations, including the Class 10th Board Examination (Secondary School Examination) and the Class 12th Board Examination (Senior School Certificate Examination). These exams are considered important milestones in a student’s academic journey and are recognized by universities and colleges in India.

Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE): CBSE implements the CCE system, which emphasizes continuous evaluation throughout the academic year. It assesses students’ learning through various parameters like tests, projects, assignments, and practical exams, along with a year-end examination.

Focus on Application-Based Learning: CBSE encourages application-based learning, where students are encouraged to apply their knowledge to real-life situations. The curriculum promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, preparing students for higher education and practical challenges.

Affiliation with Educational Institutions: CBSE is affiliated with numerous schools across India, both government and private. It provides a framework for schools to follow in terms of curriculum, assessment, and guidelines for the overall development of students.

Competitive Exams and Career Opportunities: CBSE prepares students for various competitive exams like engineering, medical, and national entrance tests for professional courses. It also equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge for career opportunities in diverse fields.

CBSE aims to provide a well-rounded education that prepares students for academic excellence, holistic development, and future career prospects. Its standardized curriculum, national-level examinations, and emphasis on application-based learning make it a popular choice among students in India.

Know which board is right for you: CBSE vs ICSE vs IGCSE vs IB

Comparing key aspects

The difficulty level of IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) can vary depending on various factors. It is important to note that comparing the difficulty level of two curricula is subjective, as it depends on individual perspectives, abilities, and preferences. Here are some points to consider when assessing the difficulty level:

Curriculum Structure and Content: Both IGCSE and CBSE have their own curriculum structure and content. The depth and breadth of subjects covered may differ, and students may find certain subjects more challenging based on their personal interests and strengths.

Assessment Methods and Rigour: The assessment methods used in IGCSE and CBSE also vary. IGCSE assessments often include a combination of written exams, coursework, and practical assessments, whereas CBSE assessments predominantly rely on written exams. The perceived rigour of assessments may differ based on individual preferences and preparation strategies.

Teaching Approaches and Learning Styles: The teaching approaches and learning styles in IGCSE and CBSE can impact students’ perception of difficulty. IGCSE often emphasizes critical thinking, practical applications, and problem-solving skills, while CBSE may have its own teaching styles and emphasis on theoretical knowledge.

Individual Preparation and Aptitude: The level of difficulty experienced by students can also depend on their individual preparation, study habits, and aptitude for specific subjects. Some students may find certain subjects more challenging than others based on their interests, prior knowledge, and study approach.

It is important to remember that both IGCSE and CBSE aim to provide quality education and prepare students for further studies and career opportunities. The difficulty level should not be the sole determining factor when choosing a curriculum. Factors such as personal goals, future aspirations, and individual learning preferences should also be considered.

Ultimately, the perception of which curriculum is harder may vary from person to person. It is advisable to gather comprehensive information about both curricula, consult with educators, and consider individual factors to make an informed decision that aligns with one’s academic goals and abilities.


In conclusion, determining whether IGCSE is harder than CBSE requires a comprehensive evaluation of multiple factors. While both curricula have their unique strengths and challenges, it ultimately depends on individual preferences, goals, and learning styles. By considering the curriculum structure, assessment methods, teaching approaches, global recognition, and student performance, students and parents can make an informed decision about which curriculum aligns best with their aspirations and abilities. In conclusion, determining whether IGCSE is harder than CBSE requires a comprehensive evaluation of various factors. Each curriculum has its unique strengths and challenges, and the decision should align with individual preferences, goals, and learning styles.

What are your thoughts on this topic? Share your experiences and insights!

The post Is IGCSE Harder than CBSE? appeared first on ReWiser.

How to choose the Right A Level Subjects? Mon, 08 May 2023 10:49:12 +0000 Introduction A Level, also known as Advanced Level, is a type of qualification that is typically taken by students in the United Kingdom and some other countries. It is a standard of academic achievement that is widely recognized by universities and employers, and it is often used as a measure of a student’s readiness for […]

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A Level, also known as Advanced Level, is a type of qualification that is typically taken by students in the United Kingdom and some other countries. It is a standard of academic achievement that is widely recognized by universities and employers, and it is often used as a measure of a student’s readiness for higher education or the workforce. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive explanation of what A Levels are, what subjects they cover, how they are structured, and how they are assessed. We will also discuss the benefits and challenges of taking A Levels, and provide some tips on how to prepare for and succeed in these exams.

What are A Levels?

A Levels are advanced qualifications that are typically taken by students in the UK after completing their GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) or equivalent. They are generally considered to be the gold standard of academic achievement in the UK, and they are highly valued by universities, employers, and other organizations. A Levels are usually studied over a two-year period, during which students focus on three or four subjects in depth. There are over 50 different A Level subjects available, covering a wide range of academic disciplines such as sciences, humanities, social sciences, languages, and arts. A Levels are offered by a number of different examination boards, including AQA, OCR, Edexcel, and CIE. These boards are responsible for setting and marking the exams, as well as providing study materials and guidance for students and teachers.

How are A Levels structured?

A Levels are typically studied over a two-year period, although some schools and colleges offer accelerated or intensive programs that can be completed in a shorter time frame. During this time, students focus on three or four subjects in depth, and they are expected to complete a significant amount of independent study and research.

A Levels are divided into two parts: AS (Advanced Subsidiary) and A2 (Advanced Level). AS Level exams are usually taken at the end of the first year of study, and A2 exams are taken at the end of the second year. Students who complete both AS and A2 exams in the same subject are awarded A Level qualification.

A Levels are modular in structure, which means that students can choose to take individual modules in each subject in order to build up their qualifications over time. Each module typically focuses on a specific topic or theme within the subject, and it is assessed through a combination of written exams, coursework, and practical assessments.

How are A Levels assessed?

Written exams, coursework, and practical assessments are used to evaluate levels. The exact balance of these assessments varies depending on the subject and the examination board, but in general, written exams make up the majority of the assessment. AS Level exams typically consist of two or three written papers, which are usually taken over a two-hour period. A2 exams usually consist of three or four written papers, which are taken over a two or three-hour period.

Coursework is also an important part of the assessment process for many A Level subjects. Coursework assignments may include essays, research projects, laboratory reports, or other types of written or practical work. Coursework is usually completed throughout the two-year period of study and is assessed by the student’s teachers or tutors.

Practical assessments are required for some A Level subjects, particularly in the sciences and technology. These assessments may include laboratory experiments, fieldwork, or other types of practical work, and they are usually assessed by the student’s teachers or tutors.

Everything you need to know about A Level Courses: Click Here

What subjects can you take at A Level?

A Levels, or Advanced Levels, are advanced level qualifications typically taken by students in the United Kingdom after completing their General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) or equivalent. There are over 50 different A Level subjects available, covering a wide range of academic disciplines such as sciences, humanities, social sciences, languages, and arts. In this section, we will provide a more comprehensive overview of some of the most popular A Level subjects.


Mathematics: Mathematics is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers. It is a subject that develops logical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are important in many fields, including engineering, finance, and computer science.

Biology: Biology is a subject that is concerned with the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment. It is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers, particularly in the fields of medicine, veterinary science, and environmental science.

Chemistry: Chemistry is a subject that is concerned with the study of matter and its properties. It is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers, particularly in the fields of medicine, engineering, and materials science.

Physics: Physics is a subject that is concerned with the study of matter and energy and their interactions. It is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers, particularly in the fields of engineering, physics, and computer science.

Environmental Science: Environmental Science is a subject that is concerned with the study of the environment and the impact of human activities on it. It is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers, particularly in the fields of environmental management and sustainability.

Social Sciences:

Psychology: Psychology is a subject that is concerned with the study of the human mind and behaviour. It is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers, particularly in the fields of clinical psychology, counselling, and education.

Sociology: Sociology is a subject that is concerned with the study of human society and social behaviour. It is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers, particularly in the fields of social research, human resources, and public policy.

Economics: Economics is a subject that is concerned with the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers, particularly in the fields of finance, business, and government.

Business Studies: Business Studies is a subject that is concerned with the study of business organizations and their management. It is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers, particularly in the fields of entrepreneurship, marketing, and accounting.

Law: Law is a subject that is concerned with the study of legal systems and their application. It is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers, particularly in the fields of law, public policy, and international relations.


English Literature: English Literature is a subject that is concerned with the study of literature in English, including novels, plays, and poetry. It is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers, particularly in the fields of journalism, publishing, and creative writing.

History: History is a subject that is concerned with the study of past events and their significance. It is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers, particularly in the fields of law, politics, and journalism.

Geography: Geography is a subject that is concerned with the study of the earth’s physical and human landscapes. It is a popular A Level subject that is highly valued by universities and employers, particularly in the fields of environmental science, urban

In A Level, there are several subjects available that come under the category of languages. These subjects are designed to develop student’s language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Some of the most popular language subjects available at A Level include:

English Language – English Language A Level focuses on the study of the English language itself, including grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. Students will learn how language is used in different contexts and develop their skills in critical analysis and creative writing.

Modern Foreign Languages – A Level courses are available in various modern foreign languages, including French, German, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, and others. These courses focus on developing students’ language skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as their understanding of the cultures and societies where the language is spoken.

Classical Languages – A Level courses are also available in classical languages such as Latin and Ancient Greek. These courses focus on developing students’ understanding of the language, literature, and culture of ancient societies.

In addition to these language subjects, there are also other related subjects that focus on the study of language, such as Linguistics and Communication Studies. These subjects explore the ways in which language is used and how it shapes our understanding of the world around us.

Factors to consider when choosing the A Level Subjects

Choosing the right A Level subjects is a crucial decision that can shape your future education and career prospects. A Levels are advanced level qualifications offered by schools and colleges in the UK, and they are typically studied by students aged 16 to 19. A Levels are widely recognized and respected by universities and employers, and they can open up a wide range of opportunities for further study and career progression. In this article, we will provide some guidance on how to choose the right A Level subjects.

Think about your future goals

The first step in choosing the right A Level subjects is to think about your future goals. What’s your plan to study in college? What career do you aspire to? What are your interests and passions? These questions will help you identify the A Level subjects that are most relevant to your future aspirations.

For example, if you want to study medicine at university, you will need to choose A Level subjects such as biology and chemistry. If you want to study engineering, you might choose A Level subjects such as physics and maths. If you are interested in law, you might choose A Level subjects such as history and English literature.

Consider your strengths and weaknesses

It is important to consider your strengths and weaknesses when choosing A Level subjects. You are more likely to excel in subjects that you enjoy and have a natural aptitude for. However, it is also worth considering subjects that you find challenging, as these can help you develop important skills such as perseverance and problem-solving.

If you are not sure what your strengths and weaknesses are, you can ask your teachers or take online aptitude tests. It is also worth looking at your GCSE results to see which subjects you performed well in.

Research the A Level subjects

Before making your final decision, it is important to research the A Level subjects that you are considering. This will help you understand what the subjects involve and what skills and knowledge they will develop.

You can find information about A Level subjects on the websites of exam boards such as AQA, Edexcel, and OCR. You can also ask your teachers, subject specialists, and careers advisors for advice.

Keep your options open

It is important to keep your options open when choosing A Level subjects. You may change your mind about your future goals, or you may find that your interests and strengths change over time. Choosing a combination of A Level subjects that is broad and diverse will give you more flexibility and options in the future.

For example, if you are interested in both science and the humanities, you might choose a combination of A Level subjects such as biology, chemistry, history, and English literature. This will keep your options open for a wide range of university courses and careers.

Consider the entry requirements for your chosen university courses

Before selecting your A Level subjects, it’s crucial to confirm the entry requirements for any university programmes you have in mind. A Level subject requirements and others may require certain grades or combinations of grades.

For example, if you want to study computer science at university, you might need A Level subjects such as maths and computing, and you might need to achieve specific grades in these subjects.

Seek advice and guidance

Finally, it is important to seek advice and guidance when choosing your A Level subjects. Talk to your teachers, subject specialists, and careers advisors for advice and support. They can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, understand the A Level subjects, and explore your future options.

You can also talk to current university students or recent graduates to get their perspectives on how their A Level subjects have prepared them for university and their chosen careers.

How can ReWiser help you?

Personalized Learning: ReWiser provides personalized learning experiences to the students, based on their individual learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses. We identify the areas where the student needs improvement and provide targeted feedback and resources to help them improve.

Interactive Content: ReWiser creates interactive and engaging content for the students to study, which includes videos, and quizzes. This can help the students stay motivated and interested in their studies.

Exam Preparation: ReWiser provides students with practice exams and mock tests to help them prepare for the A Level exams. This can help students identify their weaknesses and work on improving them before the actual exam.

Online Tutoring: ReWiser provides online tutoring sessions with qualified and experienced tutors, who can help students with any questions or difficulties they may have in their studies.

Progress Tracking: ReWiser provides students with tools to track their progress and see how they are performing over time. This can support kids in maintaining their drive and goal-focused attention.

Overall, we provide a range of resources and support to help students prepare for A Level exams and achieve their academic goals. Fill out the form: Click here.

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